December 25, 2003

New Year's Resolutions

1) be more patient
2) exercise more
3) learn how to spell
4) memorize the charter of rights
5) get more regular sleep
6) clear out possessions without functions
7) spend less money on trivial things
8) write more
9) actually fulfill my New Year's Resolutions
10) be happy

December 16, 2003

Story Idea

A man is driving to a funeral and dies on the way in a car crash, and the woman in the other car is a judge for a case were a man is being convicted killing while driving. And the man being convicted is a driving instructor, and he is the man that killed the other in the casket.

Today's Lesson: To avoid irony, don't drive.

December 12, 2003


A wind comes from some unknown source.
It brings the sent of a salty sea to my nose, as it fills the sail with direction.
Breezy, not forceful, it tussles my hair,
And the wisps are like whispers of new adventures in my ear.
My companion: you, riding on the wind.

December 05, 2003

Lucky Ain't the Word For it.

Today, I had to write an exam at 14h, but I thought it was at 14h30. Luckily I decided to go a half hour early, so I was in fact on time.

Today's Lesson: Always be early, because some times that gets you there by the skin of your teeth.

November 28, 2003

Something to Think About

Right now, we are living in the sixth mass extinction of species in the history of the planet Earth. Currently more species are going extinct than that of the K/T episode (asteroid that hit the earth and killed the dinos). The source of this mass extinction? Us, the human race. But hey, the natural order of the universe is for all species to become extinct at some period in time. Unfortunately, it's our turn. Even though we are a very complex species, it seems our time on Earth is very short in relation to coral, for example.

November 25, 2003

A Poem at 1am

hurl-acaine, run-a-muck
stressed? say, "what the fuck!"

cundoominhiemer, who-who dilly
frustrated? b/c pseudo's silly

babbling barb, jarble junk
don't know? you're gonna flunk

November 12, 2003

Phylogeny Recapitulates Endogeny

If there is one thing I learned from high school, then this would be the most useless thing I learned: phylogeny recapitulates endogeny.

However, useful things include Occam's Razor, Nietzche's will to power, Solipsism, Pavlov's dog, Freud, colonization of the West....Etc....

Today's Lesson: Anyone can learn how things are, but it takes a great mind to understand why things are.

November 05, 2003


This is the word of the day according to

It pertains to uncle like duties or characteristics.

How the hell would anyone ever use this word and not sound like a geek?

October 30, 2003


This word is kinda interesting. It is read no-where, but whenever I come across the word in reading, I always read it now-here. It's funny because it changes the meaning. Instead of being absent, it is present. I feel my brain tilting at the thought.

Today's Lesson: One can be a university student, and still be illiterate.

October 21, 2003

Life is an Opt-Out System

None choose to be born; we are draged in kicking and screaming. Some choose to opt-out. How unfortunate.

Today's Lesson: Look both ways before you cross the street, or else you may accidentally opt-out of life.

October 20, 2003

You Better Not Pout, You Better Not Cry, Imma Tell You Why...Dave is Coming to Town!

Horrah! Beloved Dave is making a return to Ottawa for the Christmas Holidays. I know that Jazzy knows, and I am very inclined to think that she is the only one who reads my blogs...which is alright. haha. I was thinking that we should definately have a party while he is down. If there is any one who is interested in this or wants to throw a party, should let me know, or write a comment in the tagboard.

Scooting an Uphill Race to the Bottom

Some days, I feel like I'm really not good at anything. Well, I'm good at a lot of things, but I don't really excel in anything. I'd like to find something that is perfectly suited to me. The search continues...

Today's Lesson: It is better to try and fail than fail to try.

October 17, 2003

New Links

If you haven't noticed the links I've been adding, maybe it's time you take a peek. You don't know me, until you know my intrests.

October 14, 2003

You've Prolly Seen This Email in Circulation

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

October 11, 2003

Lame Posts

Wow, my posts have been a lot more lame than usual. I think if it were not for my lesson's of the day, I would quit this whole thing. Who the fuck cares about digits...besides me? From now on, I'll only write something if I think it's worth while, and not just for the sake of writtng.

Today's Lesson: It's the quality, not the quantity.

October 07, 2003

It's the 1011th Day Since the Millenium

Does any one feel like calculating how many digits that is?

Well, if you don't feel like calculating, in 2007 on Monday January 1st it will be one digit since the millenium has past.

I just realized that if I was born on a leap year day in 1984, I would only turn one digit in 2012, because that would be the first time the 29th of February would fall on a wednsday. Meanwhile, with my actual bday, I beleive I'll be turning three digits in 2006.

Leap years:

Today's Lesson: There doesn't always have to be a lesson to every thing.

October 06, 2003

Chocolate Spread

This morning, during breakfast, I was reading the ingredients for Dark Chocolate Spread, (yes, chocolate in the morning), and it was written as follows:

sugar, canola oil, diet coaca powder, etc...

Do you see the ridiculousness of this? Who cares if the coaca is diet when the main ingredients are both fattening. If you are on a diet, don't eat it. This is analogous to go to McDonald's and odering a super size combo with diet coke.

Today's Lesson: If you eat diet food, you'll get fat.

September 28, 2003

Equation of the Universe

y=q(4w)+xI, where xI=How=Possibilities of the Universe*Infinity, and q(4w)=Questions With Respect to the Four W's=Who*What*Were*When, and y=Why=Purpose of Being

Today's Lesson: If you didn't like math then, you won't like math now.

Sesquipedalophobia- Fear of long words

Maybe you rememeber one of my blog entries noting sesquipedalophobia. Here is another word for it: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, as in "Don't say Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, I'm scared of it."

September 27, 2003

Mer Bleu

the other day, i went to mer bleu. i looked at my childhood playground: a bog with a board walk, a tree, some cotton grass. once pretty looking things, now scientific data for my lab.

September 23, 2003

Work in Progress

why is It so? asked the inocent blink...
why would It not? asked the riddler, not stopping to think...
then how? the IB presisted...
that is a question that you can answer on your own! the riddler insisted.

the inocent blink became a man of science
his costume: the lab coat; goggles
his reasoning: through induction and deduciton

Dr. IB learned a lot about how It works,
leaving works of these workings.

So what?
Is there a use to know how It works
When the innocent blink know not why.

As if It were a clock in a world that was before or beyond time, and an innocent blink took it appart and discovered how a clock was made, and how to make one. Then the IB also learned how to tell time, and how to set the time. The IB could speed up the clock and controle the time of the clock, because he would know how, but what is the use when he doens't know why the clock was made.

Some random thing i just wrote:

Why not? Why spend all that energy making a path in thick spiney woods, when fate clear cut a path for u?

September 22, 2003

Midterm Madness

My calc midterm is in two days, and i haven't evening penetrated the review problems yet. not even close.

Today's Lesson: Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator.

September 16, 2003

Chocolate in the Morning

You hippocrits out there who can't stomach the idea of eating chocolate in the a.m. make me want to puke my breakfast on your shirt. You wanna know why? I'll tell you why! You are the same people who eat poptarts, strudles, sugar-coated cereals, syrop on your pancakes/waffles, put too much sugar in your coffee, and the occasional brown sugar on toast. How can you begin so say "ick, no thanks. Chocolate in the morning?" after scarfing down these sugar-loaded excuses for a 'complete meal'?

Today's Other, and Probably More Important Lesson: Often, you spend so much time scrutinizing the speck in my eye that you fail to notice the log lodged in your own.

How Would You Respond?

The Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea posed the following paradox. Achilles can run ten times as fast as a tortoise and so gives it a head start of 1 km. When Achilles covers the km, the tortoise is ahead by 1/10 km. When Achilles covers this 1/10 km, the tortoise is 1/100 km ahead. This process is repeated ad infinitum: the tortoise is always some fraction of a km ahead, which means that achilles does not win the race.

I've Never Payed to do my Own Work Before...

I'm becoming simply livid about the things my money has to go into for this education to become a so called informed citizen. First I have to pay about five thou just to go to uni. Then I had to buy a book (one of three for the course in question) at fifty dollars plus fifteen percent tax. The price isn't so bad, you say? Well, let us consider the content of Reader's Choice 4th Ed. :

How to Write an Essay That Uses Examples

Preparing to Write. Before you can use examples in an essay, you must first think of some.

This insults my intellegents. How could this sentence have possibly been published?
No kidding? Does this theory apply to french language essays too? It's a pretty hard concept to grasp, I mean this book is geared to college and university students, so it must take some sort of brainiac to figure that one out.

Today's Lesson: Just when you thought spending fifty dollars on candy was a mistake, think again.

September 13, 2003

My blog will be 1 digit old on June 5, 2008

This poem is pretty lame, but I think it's neat to look back and see the things i wrote in the past. my whole outlook on life was very different when i was younger. this is not the type of poetry that i would write today, especially when this rhyming verse format has been over done in those inspiration junk forward letters your best friends send you so they don't have a bad sex life forever, and the evil spirit that haunts chainmail doesn't kill them in their sleep. Of course no one really believes in chainmail, but they do it just in case...

Poem by Karen (written in 1999)

The shadows lurked around me,
Coming from all direction;
But every shadow was cast from nothing,
I felt I needed protection.

I ran from my little safe spot,
And out into the world;
But once I was there,
I saw all evilness unferled.

I look around for comfort,
To ease my sadend soul;
But every where I turned,
It made a bigger hole.

Hatered lurched inside me,
decaying all hopes of peace;
I fell to the floor,
Begging for the pain to cease.

What could ever help me?
Forgive me of my past?
Give me peace and comfort,
and love that'd ever last?

I looked toward my familly,
long since I had known.
I looked toward my friends,
Who's loyalty had shown.

But still I had no rest,
Not a night that I could sleep;
Where that pain that lingered,
Would wake me and up-keep.

Then I herd of a savior,
who died for every one;
Who once was here,
And is soon to come.

I took him into my heart,
And felt new happiness;
That hole was soon gone,
I felt a brand new bliss.

I went back to my little spot,
But there, I did not hide;
I leaped around, and out of
Happiness, I cried!

I never knew such restfulness,
It was joy I never knew;
I tell you this,
So that you may feel it too.

Poem by Karen made up on the spot.

I have a new cell phone.

It has so much crap on it, i can't even figure out how to set the time.

This new cell phone of mine -----> it has colour screne.
Remember when telephones were rotary?
Now we cannot live with out call display and special rings for close friend's calls.

Your number is on my phone¸.· ·¸.·´¯`·-> how convienient.
I'll call u sometime, if i know the time.

Don't worry, i won't phone has a day planner.

September 12, 2003


I have decided that it is really silly to celibrate dates anually.
I will only celebrate a day if it also falls on the same day of the year.
For example, I was born on a Saturday. January 21st on a Saturday occured again in 1989, 1995, and will again in 2006. That will make me three years old. Well, not years; we'd call them birthdays, but they'd be counted in digits...for lack of a better word. I will be 3 digits old.
In other respects, I will only lower my flag for 9/11 in 2007, when the incident will then be 1 digit ago.
Since no one know when Jesus' birthday was, I have to either celibrate his birthday every day every year, or not at all. The latter won't be to difficult, since Christmas is all about money, and I have none.

Today's Lesson: Don't celebrate birthday's anually, because you'll age faster.

September 08, 2003

Read Between the Lines

One of my profs has a very heavy oriental accent. Not that that is bad per se, b/c I like accents, but it makes things a little more difficult as u can imagine.

What is bad, is that he says, "uhm" and "ah" for long periods of time. Maybe three seconds, but he does it about every seven words. In a 1.5h lecture that would add up to about 20 solid minutes of "uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh".

If that didn't dry the paint, then his lengthy explainations would:

He went on about how we had to come to class, and about how we had to read our book. With this came a story. Many years ago, when he first became a prof, he had never taught before, because he was new and had never taught university students before. So he went to another wiser prof, and asked him what he should teach his students in the lectures. The wise prof said 'don't teach them strait from the book'. 'Fair enough', thought he new prof, 'b/c why would the students need a prof if they had the book, and he taught only from the book?' 'But' says the wise prof, 'don't teach nothing from the book, otherwise, why would the students need the book. They wouldn't spend the money on the book unless they needed it'. 'True again', thought the new prof. 'So, I know now what not to teach, but what do I teach?' The wise teacher said 'teach them what is between the lines'. So it turns out that now that this new prof has effectively gained many years in experience with teaching, he can now teach us what's between the our very books, between the lines....but don't be fooled it's not really in the book, you can't read it in the book, b/c what he teaches isn't strait from the book, it'snot in the book at all. But you have to read the book, b/c it's in there. Still though, you have to come to class, because it's not's inbetween the lines.

:. Today's other, and probably more important lesson: Some times you have to read books with both types of heaviness.

Heavy Books

There are two types of heavy books. There are books that contain a lot of mind bending phrases, where each concept needs to be drawn out and processed. Then there are books that are just heavy to carry around.

Today's Lesson: Don't read books which include both types of heaviness.

September 06, 2003


...and so a new chapter in the life of Karen began.

Scooting Through Life -by Karen M.

Chapter 1 Nativity Scene
Chapter 2 Father and Daughter Alone, Together
Chapter 3 Dull and Insecure Years of Grade School
Chapter 4 High School (Need More be Said?)
Chapter 5 Universe(ity) or "God, where's my money? God, where's my sleep? God, where the hell did I put the report worth 99.9% of my mark?"

Today's Lesson: Don't Read books written by, or about Karen: they are boring.

September 01, 2003

Look, Ma! No Sleep!

Well, it looks as though I am about to begin university. Four days before classes start I decided to register my last course: english. Unfortunatly, because I waited so long (registration began in April), my only choices for english were classes a 8h in the morning, or on Saturday at 9h. I could say that I've learned my lesson in procrastination early, but then that would be constructing false hopes for not only myself, but also family and friends.

My schedual isn't half bad, but when I'm not learning, I'll be working. When I'm not working, I'll be studying. When I'm not studying, I'll be partying. If I'm not partying, I'll be cleaning. Then, and only then, if I have nothing to do, and I don't feel like drawing, or checking my email, I will sleep. This is begining to sound a lot like my last year of high school. You know what? I also forgot to mention clubs and things of that genre that I may join. Acutally, it sounds EXACTLY like my last year of highschool, except now I have to pay for it.

Today's Other, and Probably More Important Lesson: Don't put things off!!!!

Money is the Force That Moves People

I don't really feel like writing why, but you can prolly think of a million things on your own.

Today's Lesson: Don't start a blog, unless you plan on finishing it.

August 31, 2003


Song long, my much loved friends. I am no good at goodbyes. I don't like the long, drawn out ones, but short ones leave me feeling like I was jipped a real good arivadarche.

Have fun this year, but not too much fun, else you may not remember!

I think of you just about every time it comes up. :P

Today's Lesson: Life is dynamic; flow with it.

August 29, 2003

Karen's Free Real Horrorscope

Directions: Find out were you are on the list, according to your date of birth, then read the corresponding prediction of your life.

If you were born between the begining of time and the end of time then you are a Member of the Universe. Your sign looks like the Korean written word for universe. (Something like a sick man without legs beside a coathanger with a J coming out the bottom) 우주

Your horrorscope is: Throughout life you seem to have some problems with family, money, and love. But don't fret, because the universe often works with you, and if you set your mind to it, you can fix these problems and help ease the dilemma and drama. Some time before you die you will have gained assests, but you will only be able to keep them if you are diligent.

Other things that the universe forsees in your life time include, but are not limited to: blinking, bowl movements and other natural body functions; rejection; illness; laughter; the hiccups (or hiccoughs); and dreams of sex with forbidden others...

August 28, 2003


As you have no doubt heard in the news, right now, Mars is the closet to planet Earth that it has ever been in 60 000 years. Like I mentioned in one of my earliest blogs, I like to calculate useless things. The distance, at its very closest was 55,757,930 km. I wanted to know how long it would take me to drive to Mars at 100 km/h. I calculated that it would take 64 years to get to Mars if I were to travel at the given speed when the two planets are at minimum distance. I can only imagine how long the trip would be during the other 59 999 years.

I wrote this to my aunt, to which she responded:

By the way - your calculations are correct. It would take 64
years at 100 km
per hour. So you should move to Alberta, where the speed limit
is 110 km/hr,
and save yourself approx. 5 years :)))!!!

But as I am writing this, I realise that we both failed to take into account that the gap is getting bigger all the time. In 20 years there will be a significant difference from the minimum distance. Since the distance is increasing (I assume at a constant rate) It looks like we are in need of some calculus. Too bad it's summer, and I'm not that much of a geek to care. The point is, that it would take much, much, much longer than 64 years to reach Mars at 100 km/h.

Today's lesson: Don't drive to Mars, or else you'll die.

August 24, 2003


I don't like the first day of school, so I was in search for the word that meant fear of the first day of school. I found Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school.

I also found Asymmetriphobia- Fear of asymmetrical things. Imagine being a doctor with Asymmetriphobia, and you had to amputate a man's leg, but you felt an utter compusion to cut both legs off just from the pure fear of your patient having only one leg.

Another good one is Sesquipedalophobia- Fear of long words. Isn't it ironic that it's such a long word?

One more? Walloonphobia- Fear of the Walloons. What the hell is a Walloon?

Today's Lesson: Classifying fears, though fun, don't help irradicate fears.

A Smooshy Moment

This week, my special phrase has been "It's not the quantity of bonding time, it's the quality."

This week, I belive it. From Dave and Maria, (someone who lives far away), to Ana and Jazzy, (someone I just don't see often enough), there are the people that I have known since yore, and continue to love.

August 22, 2003

You've Never Seen Everything

No matter who you are, how good you are at it, and what you've accomplished, you have never seen everything.

August 16, 2003

Biggest Power Out Ever

As you may have heard in the news, most of Ontario, and parts of United States were affected by a power outage. It was interesting to be in. I liked it because crisis, and state of emergancy always bring out the best in people. Well, it also brings out the worst in people, but some how that isn't as suprising and doesn't give u a sence of unity.

See, the power outage made me think about all the ppl in areas that NEVER have electricity. They manage to live day to day, and they work hard, regardless. But for our society, when the lights go off, every one party. We say every day, that we need a fridge to keep food fresh, when it's really convienience. I could go on with a list of examples, but i'm fairly lazy and i'm sure you get the point.
Any way, my point is, that many ppl also realised this when the power was absent. The thing that I find so funny is that as soon as power was available, ppl were already turning on all the lights, and putting on the air conditioning, even though they were told not to. Not that we can hate ppl for it, but it's still fucking stupid.

The weirdest thing for me, about this whole event, was that things didn't really seem any different. Even though I totally took electricity for granted, and it was weird to have to walk around with candles, life didn't stop, there was no fear (not that there should have been. just that when 'state of emergancy' is declaired, you feel striped of emotion. as if you should be paniking...but y should u? since there is nothing you can do, 'cept sit back and sip back) I guess what I'm trying to say is that I thought that this would change my view point, my whole out look on life, but the only thin it did was re-arrange my justifications for sitting in the dark. Before is was 'I feel like it' or 'I was too lazy to turn the light on'. Now, it's 'there are ppl in other countries with out light' or 'we must conserve energy for the good of the planet'.

I went from selfish to selfless....okay not really....I think the paragraphe above is just more shit that I 'm spewing out. I say things but don't mean them.

August 06, 2003

Thoughts About Things in General

If love defies logic, if it's irrational, then how is it that I love science?

I care about the environment. However, I don't think I want to be a conservationalist. You see, conservation is maintaining the current environment, but if a fire is to wipe out a rare type of forest on an island, then isn't that natural selection? Would we not be interfearing with the natural balance of things if we are to place importance on sertain ecosystems, according to their importance to our economy, or our personal enjoyment. How is managing systems (which we cannot really control) supposed to help any thing in this universe? Some how, it seems like the wrong approach to things. Instead of worrying about how global warming is going to affect biospheres, fuzzy animals, and medicinal plants, maybe we should find a way to reduce our personal impact on the planet first.

check out when you have a minute.

July 24, 2003

Searching For the Self...Online

I met this guy last night who said that I would be perterbed to find that I am in a lot of places on the net. All I had to do, was go to, and type my name in quotation, and everything that I have EVER put on the net about my self would be there. Surprisingly, there are many ppl with the same first and last name as myself (and my last name's not that common). But only one search came to something that actually pertained to me. It was a posting of my name and the name of my story/essay, for a contest that I entered in grade 12: Hannah's Miracle*. I had won second prize and a LG CD writer (which, to this day, I rarly use). Nothing else came up.

I then thought about my blog, here. So I looked up scoot, "scoot fairy", and scootfairy. But this blog, nor anything else came up. I guess I'm an exception to the google search engine, that is supposed to find everything.

*About a woman in Korea who wants a boy, but has a girl. Every time a boy is born it dies. In the end (when they think she is too old to bear children) she becomes pregnat with a boy. Then,*gasp* she dies while giving birth. This cliche plot was then meshed with a whole bunch of Korean traditions that I looked up on the net. I even gave the caracters Korean names, and the boy in the story liked the favorite baseball team of the time that the story took place.

July 22, 2003


Today I went to the Casino d'Hull. I usually go there with the plans to buy one drink, and gamble no more and five dollars on the horse racing game.

The reason I spend little money there is that when I first turned eighteen, I went there with some friends, and I played at the slot machines. As you may know, you are able to put one two or three coins into the slot. At this particular machine, I was placing two coins at a time. I didn't notice, but one quarter slipped through, and I bet only one coin. Had the second coin gone through, I would have won fifty dollars. If this is not frustrating enough, it happened to me twice that night, making a total of one hundred dollars that I could have, but I was down fourty.

Needless to say, I have become very bitter about gambling, and have only gone to the casino to marvel at the zombies: Coin, coin, spin. Coin, coin, spin. Coin, coin, spin.

Today was one of those days, where I was going on about how I'll only play the horses, because I loose my money slower that way. I decided to play only the quarters that I came with-> Two dollars and fifty cents worth. I put them into the machine. I can't remember what kind of stratagies I had taken in the past for my gambling, but this time, I decided I bet on a couple low odd horses to keep at least three coins coming in, and then bet for a high odd couple. I had three coins left, and I won four. I played three more coins, and WAMMO! I made sixty-eight bucks!!

I cashed out, right then and there. I feel good; even if I'm not a millionaire. But the feeling when you win....I can see now how it's like a drug. It makes you feel like you are special. Like you know the cosmic way the money flows in the casino. It's a silver liquid that seeps out of the lucky man's pocket, and brings a throbbing energy to lights and hipnotic musical bells. The sound is of never ending quarters falling into your hands. If you let go of one coin, they all slip through your fingers.

July 20, 2003

Music Heals the Soul

I was in the market the other day, and I saw a busker with only one arm. He was playing the guitar with his nub. He put a sock over the nub, and placed a pick at the end. Very very smart.

Coincidence? I think not!

I was just talking with a friend of mine from my Highschool...oh so long ago those memories are....*sigh*

We are both going to Edmonton to visit the same friend. We knew that. We've been talking about it since April. But it was funny to find that we both booked our flight with Air Cananda, and have tickets for the EXACT SAME FLIGHT, #, time, everything. We haven't talked to each other since prom, I believe, so it was quite weird, becasue i was even talking to zeitgeist earlier about how it would be pure coincidence if we arrived on the same flight.

This trip to Edmonton shall be very intersting indeed. I go there anually to visit family, but I've never, ever had a friend there too.

Junk Mail

I am sure that I will be getting a lot more junk mail now. Lately, I've been joining random websites that I find on the net, simply b/c i can. I even went so far as to join and But I think i will delete them since i'm afraid that ppl are going to jack off to my profile or something...8O<==3

I also added a link for bam, who ever he is....the criteria for his fan list is to like him or his show. but i don't know him, and i wonT ever see his show. I don't think that he's gonna put me on his list, especially if he reads this, b/c then he'll know the truth. [i'll add in this truth, just in case: bam and his ass are asthetically apealing, aka. hot]

the book i'm reading right now is SO hillarious, especially if you like a good satire. It's called Happiness by Will Ferguson. It makes me laugh out loud. For real. I was on my way to work, on the bus, and i just couldn't put the book down. At this one part in the book, the author got so painfully close to reality, that I was trying my best to contain my laughter, and failing miserably. I wasn't too embarassed though, because that's happend to me b4, and i actually had to explain the joke to a fellow passenger once....They thought I was a little weird...-> but i don't care what ppl think when I'm enveloped in the bubble of the book i'm reading.

July 14, 2003

Gay Pride Parade

Went to Pride today.
On one of the floats, there was a guy dress in drag, (course, among others), but the skirt was so short i could see his penis waggling around from underneath it. That was funny. I saw many naked ppl as well.
By the by, for those who don't live in Canada, gays and lesbians can marry here now, and recieve the same rights as every one else that is married.

July 09, 2003

At Uni

Right now, I'm at my uni and i'm listening, or rather, not listening to some ceminar on faculty of arts...see the funny thing is, I'm in the faculty of science. Hence why i'm on here now...

If you are looking for something to look up. Search on Carl Jung.

July 06, 2003

Chain Mail

This was sent to me:

This is really weird......try it out... Not even Bill Gates can explain this one!
Try this:
Open a Word document and type

= rand (200,99)

Press Enter
and wait 3 seconds...
Microsoft will reward anyone who can explain it.

July 03, 2003

Loosing My Voice is God's Way of Saying "SHUT UP!"

I guess I never published it on this blog, but I was planing on spending yesterday not talking about myself, then writing today about how harrd that is! I guess the powers that be thought it was a great idea too, b/c I came down with larangitis. Boo! What a bad time for it to happen, since I had prom, Cananda day, one of my gurl friends was leaving, and an old friend came from Edmonton for a few days to visist. All in three days, and I was croacky for all of them! Any way not talking is VERY HARD. Even if you don't talk that much. If ppl talk to you, they expect exclamations, like "wow", confirmations, like "yeah", and feed back, like "I don't know". So you can't even listen to someone talk b/c they get bored with you.

Prom Date Fate

Backgrownd: Met a guy on vacation in March. Saw him 1 1/2 months after that, and went to prom with him 1 1/2 still after that. I was sick on second and third meeting.

Anecdote : Last Sunday, my prom date turns to me after two beer and says, "It must be fate..."

"What's fate? You believe in fate?"

"Yeah," he smiles.

"Why's that? Because of our coinsidental proximity, and the fact that you are here now?"

"Well, yeah. We met in some place in Jamaca..."

"Do you think it's also fate that I'm always sick when I see you?"

He chooses to disregard the whole conversation, and gets up to buy my gurl friend a drink.

July 01, 2003

June 27, 2003



Train of Thought

All Aboard!
Chugga, chugga! Chugga, chugga! Chugga, chugga! WOo! WOOOooo! be concluded....

June 25, 2003


fear of death

6 Million Ways to Die

Ever notice that there is only one way to come into this world? Well, science has made it possible to make infertile couples have children, but essentially the goal is to join two gametes together to form an embryo. Wow. What a joy and wonder. Now think about this. There are millions of ways to die, even if you group them into catagories. Let's do that, cause us humans like to do that.

Cancer: Lung Cancer, Brain Cancer, Skin Cancer, Toungue Cancer, Liver Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, just to name a few.
Disease (environmental): Heart Disease, Alchiemerz, Diabetes type 2, are some common ones.
Disese (Virus/Bacteria): Flesh eating disease, SARS, the flu, AIDS, malaria, etc.
Disese (Genetic): obesity, leukimia, diabetes type one, down syndrome, etc
Accidents: Car Crash, the bungie cord broke, got inbetween the mother bear and her cub, stuck in undertow, plane crash.
Social: Assasination, Patricide, Infanticide, Suicide, Homocide, any thing ending in -cide
Poison: Over dose of illegal drugs, Reading the prescription wrong (ie, says:take once every two hours, but you take twice every one hour), ingesting house hold cleaning products, poisonous snakes and insects, etc.
Exploding Organs: Tonsils, Appendix, Bladder (Tyco Brahe died from a burst bladder. He was at dinner with the king, and it was considered rude to leave the table before the king, and he REALLY had to go...That's okay, no one liked him any way)
Other: old age, still born, choking, drowing, falling from really high, fire, hypothermia, spontanious combustion, starvation, dehydration, sentenced to death, dying savnig some one's life, pulling the plug (debatable) , abortion (debatable), etc.

Just something to think about. I'm not saying this to make us depressed, just a makes you realise you gotta live life to the fullest, I suppose. Either that, or spend the rest of your life paranoid about dying, and die from extreme fear of dying. WhatS that called again?

June 23, 2003

The Incredible Hulk

I was just listening to the CBC radio and "Sounds Like Canada" was on. The blog was mentioned on the radio because they were doing a peice about the movie that has recently come out. I recomend it. It's amusing. The site I mean...since I havenT seen the movie.

June 19, 2003

Karen's philosophy for highschool:

advice of the day: don't do math homework more than twice a week, or else you might start actually understanding it. If you already know the math, then what's the point in doing it? If you don't understand the math, then how the hell do they excpect you to do it?

I wrote that advice a year ago on my other blog that I lost for while. In fact, I think I followed my own advice a little too well, since my entire OAC year I did abusolutly no homework, unless it was to be handed in for marks. I even went so far as to study for tests the day of, and all exams the night before. It's a wonder that I made it threw all those sciences and math, and maintained an 80% average.
I am finaly out of high school. It seems so surreal. How is it that I look back on the past five years (since i'm the last of the OAC's) and feel like I'm so old and have been through so much, and can tell so many stories? I can only imagine how old I will feel when I'm fourty, or eighty even.

Well with my new found freedom, and a whole summer ahead of me, I decided to spend some time surfing the web, as I love to do, but don't usually have the time for. My big habbit is looking up strange questions and things on search engines that have come up during the day. How ever with out the time to really read every thing I find, I usually book mark it. Today was one of those days where I sat down and went threw a bunch of them. Here are some things that I've looked up in the past, or plan on looking up in the future.

Things to look up if you're board:

Marcel Duchamp's unfinished piece: Virgin stripped bare by her bachelors, even (sculpture by the father of dadaism)
Schrodinger's Cat Box (thought experiment)
Things that birds can smell (certain gases and blood)
How addicting is cheese? (1/10th the potency of morphine)

June 18, 2003

Wow. My blog is really starting to come together. I'm very excited. Now I know how to add the links where is says (said:if i've changed it by the time you read this) "edit me". I'm sure there are many ppl out there that think imma fool! It's just that all that template jargon really intimidates me! But as you can see I put up the tag box all by my self! I'm so proud of me! All I have to do now is find some links that I would like on this blogspot. any suggestions? you can just tag me!!! hahaaha. okay, enough.

June 16, 2003

The other night, I almost became a statistic. I was walking home late at night, by my self, on a dark street, after drinking, like they always tell you not to do.

Out of nowhere, a black sports car pulled up, and the guy tried talking to me. "Hey baby," the usual. I ignored him, but he kept presisting. I look inside the car to look him in the face. He goes on ahead a little, but then he got out of his car!

You may think that it gets more interesting, or scary, depending on who you are, but it doesn't.

Luckily i had my self phone on and called my ex-boyfriend's house, as it was the first number that came to my head. (I'd been dating him for almost a quarter of my life, dialing his number is reflex) I began recounting my current situation to my ex's mother very loudly while walking away from the man persuing me. When I turned to see how quickly he was aproaching me, he was getting back into the car, and drove away.

No I didn't take a cab, cause I don't have the dough.
No I didn't call a friend to drive me, before hand that seemed unnessisary.
No I didn't get the guy's licence plate, I can't see that far. I guess it's time to stop procrastinating my eye doctor appointement...

June 14, 2003

I find that I am a binge reader. I can go months with out reading more than my horiscope in the paper.

Then suddenly, without warning, I'll wake up one morning and pull a book off my dusty shelf. I'll read it savagely, consuming paragraphes at a time, as if my brain is straved of informaiton. I'll read continuously, on the bus, walking, waiting, eating. Sometimes, I will deny myself food when I enter the last stages of the book, since cooking takes consentration that I could otherwise be using to read.

Often, my cats are the only things that can pull me out of this sort of heavy hipnosis, with there urgent cries to be fed -but only barely. I brush them aside, as if they were a strand of hair that fell infront of my face,

Then, when I have read the last page, and I am thrown back into my mundain routine, I feel disturbed. My life seems to be missing something, my thougthts are racing as I try to find several meanings to the authors writtings. I want to tell someone about my foggy thoughts, they are hot and steamy, about to evaporate into the air, lost or recycled in some demension of subconcious desires, but I tell no one. To preserve these feelings, I want desperatly to start another, but upon reading the first sentence of any book, I feel like it's just not the same and would ruin the experince I felt.

This time, the books were Go Ask Alice -Anon and Steps -Jerzy Kosinski

June 06, 2003

I'm so ashamed that it happend at my school. Last night there was a tequeilla (sp?) sunrise for grad. Some of the guys got a little too drunk and spray painted a woman spread eagle with penis going into it, and the words "titeee whiteee in brown town" and then they broke into the school, stole the phys.ed. equipement and shit and pissed all over it in the feild, in the gynasium, and the walls out side. Only two ppl got arrested.
i am a friend of daves. we are very different, but i think we get along pretty well. he and i live far apart from each other. Cananda is a big place. We live at opposite ends. I miss dave. He drives much more than I do. I don't drive at all. I bus, walk, or bike. Summer is coming. You know it when you smell that summer smell. Here's a poem:

Proffesional People

I suppose professional people always iron their clothes,
So it always looks like they're new.
I've never seen a proffesional people wear a sensible shoe;
If they ever had to run, I don't know what they'd do...

Proffesional people wear blazers...not jackets,
And trousers.... not pants.
You can tell a proffesional people from just one glance:
Proffesional people's first impression is their only chance.

Made that up this morning on the way to school. hope you like!
Special 'K'

June 05, 2003

I was looking at some of the other blog sites, and now I know what I don't want to do. The question is what shall I do? I'd like this spot to have some sort of meaning, and not just be some usless space in the cybernetic world, like the blogger spot that I began about a year ago. I don't even know how to delete it. But I want it gone. Does it seem like I'm purging my past? Gee. Maybe I am, but that part of my past is pretty useless. If you need proof, visit , but really, that would be a waste of time.
Wow. there is a long story. For now I will just test my publishing abilities.

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