July 24, 2003

Searching For the Self...Online

I met this guy last night who said that I would be perterbed to find that I am in a lot of places on the net. All I had to do, was go to google.ca, and type my name in quotation, and everything that I have EVER put on the net about my self would be there. Surprisingly, there are many ppl with the same first and last name as myself (and my last name's not that common). But only one search came to something that actually pertained to me. It was a posting of my name and the name of my story/essay, for a contest that I entered in grade 12: Hannah's Miracle*. I had won second prize and a LG CD writer (which, to this day, I rarly use). Nothing else came up.

I then thought about my blog, here. So I looked up scoot, "scoot fairy", and scootfairy. But this blog, nor anything else came up. I guess I'm an exception to the google search engine, that is supposed to find everything.

*About a woman in Korea who wants a boy, but has a girl. Every time a boy is born it dies. In the end (when they think she is too old to bear children) she becomes pregnat with a boy. Then,*gasp* she dies while giving birth. This cliche plot was then meshed with a whole bunch of Korean traditions that I looked up on the net. I even gave the caracters Korean names, and the boy in the story liked the favorite baseball team of the time that the story took place.

July 22, 2003


Today I went to the Casino d'Hull. I usually go there with the plans to buy one drink, and gamble no more and five dollars on the horse racing game.

The reason I spend little money there is that when I first turned eighteen, I went there with some friends, and I played at the slot machines. As you may know, you are able to put one two or three coins into the slot. At this particular machine, I was placing two coins at a time. I didn't notice, but one quarter slipped through, and I bet only one coin. Had the second coin gone through, I would have won fifty dollars. If this is not frustrating enough, it happened to me twice that night, making a total of one hundred dollars that I could have, but I was down fourty.

Needless to say, I have become very bitter about gambling, and have only gone to the casino to marvel at the zombies: Coin, coin, spin. Coin, coin, spin. Coin, coin, spin.

Today was one of those days, where I was going on about how I'll only play the horses, because I loose my money slower that way. I decided to play only the quarters that I came with-> Two dollars and fifty cents worth. I put them into the machine. I can't remember what kind of stratagies I had taken in the past for my gambling, but this time, I decided I bet on a couple low odd horses to keep at least three coins coming in, and then bet for a high odd couple. I had three coins left, and I won four. I played three more coins, and WAMMO! I made sixty-eight bucks!!

I cashed out, right then and there. I feel good; even if I'm not a millionaire. But the feeling when you win....I can see now how it's like a drug. It makes you feel like you are special. Like you know the cosmic way the money flows in the casino. It's a silver liquid that seeps out of the lucky man's pocket, and brings a throbbing energy to lights and hipnotic musical bells. The sound is of never ending quarters falling into your hands. If you let go of one coin, they all slip through your fingers.

July 20, 2003

Music Heals the Soul

I was in the market the other day, and I saw a busker with only one arm. He was playing the guitar with his nub. He put a sock over the nub, and placed a pick at the end. Very very smart.

Coincidence? I think not!

I was just talking with a friend of mine from my Highschool...oh so long ago those memories are....*sigh*

We are both going to Edmonton to visit the same friend. We knew that. We've been talking about it since April. But it was funny to find that we both booked our flight with Air Cananda, and have tickets for the EXACT SAME FLIGHT, #, time, everything. We haven't talked to each other since prom, I believe, so it was quite weird, becasue i was even talking to zeitgeist earlier about how it would be pure coincidence if we arrived on the same flight.

This trip to Edmonton shall be very intersting indeed. I go there anually to visit family, but I've never, ever had a friend there too.

Junk Mail

I am sure that I will be getting a lot more junk mail now. Lately, I've been joining random websites that I find on the net, simply b/c i can. I even went so far as to join ratemyface.com and facethejury.com. But I think i will delete them since i'm afraid that ppl are going to jack off to my profile or something...8O<==3

I also added a link for bam, who ever he is....the criteria for his fan list is to like him or his show. but i don't know him, and i wonT ever see his show. I don't think that he's gonna put me on his list, especially if he reads this, b/c then he'll know the truth. [i'll add in this truth, just in case: bam and his ass are asthetically apealing, aka. hot]

the book i'm reading right now is SO hillarious, especially if you like a good satire. It's called Happiness by Will Ferguson. It makes me laugh out loud. For real. I was on my way to work, on the bus, and i just couldn't put the book down. At this one part in the book, the author got so painfully close to reality, that I was trying my best to contain my laughter, and failing miserably. I wasn't too embarassed though, because that's happend to me b4, and i actually had to explain the joke to a fellow passenger once....They thought I was a little weird...-> but i don't care what ppl think when I'm enveloped in the bubble of the book i'm reading.

July 14, 2003

Gay Pride Parade

Went to Pride today.
On one of the floats, there was a guy dress in drag, (course, among others), but the skirt was so short i could see his penis waggling around from underneath it. That was funny. I saw many naked ppl as well.
By the by, for those who don't live in Canada, gays and lesbians can marry here now, and recieve the same rights as every one else that is married.

July 09, 2003

At Uni

Right now, I'm at my uni and i'm listening, or rather, not listening to some ceminar on faculty of arts...see the funny thing is, I'm in the faculty of science. Hence why i'm on here now...

If you are looking for something to look up. Search on Carl Jung.

July 06, 2003

Chain Mail

This was sent to me:

This is really weird......try it out... Not even Bill Gates can explain this one!
Try this:
Open a Word document and type

= rand (200,99)

Press Enter
and wait 3 seconds...
Microsoft will reward anyone who can explain it.

July 03, 2003

Loosing My Voice is God's Way of Saying "SHUT UP!"

I guess I never published it on this blog, but I was planing on spending yesterday not talking about myself, then writing today about how harrd that is! I guess the powers that be thought it was a great idea too, b/c I came down with larangitis. Boo! What a bad time for it to happen, since I had prom, Cananda day, one of my gurl friends was leaving, and an old friend came from Edmonton for a few days to visist. All in three days, and I was croacky for all of them! Any way not talking is VERY HARD. Even if you don't talk that much. If ppl talk to you, they expect exclamations, like "wow", confirmations, like "yeah", and feed back, like "I don't know". So you can't even listen to someone talk b/c they get bored with you.

Prom Date Fate

Backgrownd: Met a guy on vacation in March. Saw him 1 1/2 months after that, and went to prom with him 1 1/2 still after that. I was sick on second and third meeting.

Anecdote : Last Sunday, my prom date turns to me after two beer and says, "It must be fate..."

"What's fate? You believe in fate?"

"Yeah," he smiles.

"Why's that? Because of our coinsidental proximity, and the fact that you are here now?"

"Well, yeah. We met in some place in Jamaca..."

"Do you think it's also fate that I'm always sick when I see you?"

He chooses to disregard the whole conversation, and gets up to buy my gurl friend a drink.

July 01, 2003

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