You know that movie called The Messengers where the baby can see ghosts?
It got me thinking...
If you've ever studied a bit of psychology, then you may have learned about vision-how it works and how it develops.
There is this one experiment that was done with cats. They raised one group of kittens in an environment in which there was only horizontal stumuli, and another group in an environment in which there was only vertical stimuli. after devolpement, cats which were raised in a horizontal-only enviro where unable to detect vertical lines, and so were unable to go through doors and such, and vise versa for the vertial-only kittens.
So the point of this experiment is that past the window of vision developement, they could no longer learn to see what indeed existed in the world.
So imagine that when you were a child that had been deprived of certain critical elements which enabled you to see what you see today.
And here's what i was thinking: if when you are a child you are not exposed to ghosts or elements which enable you to see ghosts, then past that window of vision developement, you will never gain that ability to see them.
So an infant living in a haunted house would be able to see the paranormal because at that age you are still developing. (babies have way more brain cells than adult brains, where the unused ones die off after developement.)
Any way, I guess it's safe to say that i could suspend my disbelief for this movie.
Do you know any one who says they can see ghosts? ask them when was the first time they saw one.
Today's Lesson: the more we know the more questions we have.