MEYER, Stephenie: 2005. Twilight. Little, Brown and Company, New York and Boston.
I started to read this 'saga' of four books, about a girl who falls in love with a vampire. I will prolly also see the movie. Although the plot is quite good the writing style bothered me greatly. Many argued that this is because it's geared to teenagers. But I dont buy it because lit doesn't have to be bad for teenagers to like it. There are plenty of authors that are good and are geared to younger audiences.
The reason I dont like it is because it's repetitive and gets in the way during the dialogue. For example, on page 459 the author writes "'Shhhh,' he shushed me." CAN YOU BELEIVE IT?!?!?! That was the most extreme example but the book is filled with redundant phrasing like this. In spite of that, I will be reading the second book...