I had a really weird dream last night. And included in the dream was this game. It seems to be a mix of gambling games... I'll post the rules below and you can tell me if there are any loop holes. Try it out and let me know. FRIENDS BEWARE: I'm making you try this game at our next gathering.
OBJECT OF THE GAME: to win money
TO START: the person who got up the earliest that day can start the first game. This person will roll a die. The number that appears is the ‘safe’ number for this game.
THE GAME: Every person who would like to be included in the game puts in one token including the person who rolled the ‘safe’ number. Once every one puts in there first token, the person to the left of the ‘safe’ roller begins by rolling two dice. If one of the dice is the ‘safe’ number, that person can stay in THAT ROUND without an additional bet. If the person rolls a 12 they win the pot. If a 2 is rolled they loose the game and must contributed 2 tokens to the pot. If a number above the ‘safe’ number is rolled the player puts in 2 tokens and remains for that round. If a number below the ‘safe’ number is rolled the player is out of this game.
WINNING: Once someone rolls a 12 or is the last person standing, they win the pot.
NEW GAME: the person to the left of the original ‘safe’ roller will roll for the second game. Etc.