January 05, 2006

Bus Series#4 The Curse and the Blessing

The bus is a curse because you have to see people all the time, and if you see people all the time, you are eventually going to see some one you know. Unfortunatly Murfy's Law rules the bus world, and very often you see the person you don't want to see.
One tactic is to pull the "spaced out". This is where you act like you are so busy traveling that you don't really notice any one on the bus. Staring out the window helps, and those ads are great excuses.
However, this method is only appropriate if you are on the opposite end of a bus with many ppl in it. If the bus is too busy, try sitting in a seet that is farthest away and if possible in the opposite directon of gaze if said person were to turn around.
If neither of these tactics works or is not possible, acknoledge them and pull out some work and excuse yourself by saying you have to do some last minute things, so sorry.
If you have no work with you, then you'll just have to put up with talking to them. Hopefully your ride is short.

However, seeing someone on the bus can be a blessing. But those moments are more fun to experience than to tell!

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