August 15, 2007

I heart the dentist

Wow. this is really fucked up, but when i went to the dentist and the dental hygenist was cleaning my teeth with her sharp metal tools, i was like: gee this is relaxing. and when my gums hurt with the panges of her incesent jabbings of my right insizer, i was thinking wow, i really have a pleasant association with the denist, since even tho my gums are in pain, i feel pretty good. i like the feel of tender but clean teeth after a vistit to the denist every six months or so. on top of that, i'm finally getting a wisdom tooth. it hasn't come out yet, but they took a fancy standing up x-ray, not like their usual lying down one. which means i will prolly have to have a surgury soon. wow! wont that be the day, i was sitting in that office thinking how great it would be to have dental surgury.

this is in particular odd for two reasons:
1) the first is quite obvious. most people hate the dentist! but i sooo love it!
2) i hate all other forms of doctors and surguries. i hate surgeries sooooo much, i cant even bare to continue to explain it to you. i would never be excited to get my tonsels removed or somthing. only the wisdom tooth. it's like a sign of adult-hood or somthing.

1 comment:

  1. I hate the dentist. I tense up so much and just pray for it to be over. I think I started hating the dentist after my original dentist died in a freak scuba diving accident. The new dentist that took over was very painful and I've hated going ever since.

    How many wisdom teeth do you have? I was lucky and I only had two on the top. They say those two are the easiest to take out... but most people have two on top, two on bottom. My friend had 4, and when I saw him afterwards his face was swollen up huge.

    When I got my teeth out, I got them to knock me out first... which was really weird. They asked me to start counting down from 100... I got to about 94 and I stopped... I saw the nurse walk by and asked when they were going to take my teeth out and she told me she already did. I had no idea. I was knocked out and I didn't even realize it. I had no pain at all afterwards... I only took three or four of the tylenol 3s they gave me... I took them because I wasn't sure how bad the pain would be. After that it took me like, 2 days to get back to normal.

    I hope yours goes a lot like mine... although it would be funny to see you swell up like a chipmonk. haha. :)


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