December 25, 2003

New Year's Resolutions

1) be more patient
2) exercise more
3) learn how to spell
4) memorize the charter of rights
5) get more regular sleep
6) clear out possessions without functions
7) spend less money on trivial things
8) write more
9) actually fulfill my New Year's Resolutions
10) be happy

December 16, 2003

Story Idea

A man is driving to a funeral and dies on the way in a car crash, and the woman in the other car is a judge for a case were a man is being convicted killing while driving. And the man being convicted is a driving instructor, and he is the man that killed the other in the casket.

Today's Lesson: To avoid irony, don't drive.

December 12, 2003


A wind comes from some unknown source.
It brings the sent of a salty sea to my nose, as it fills the sail with direction.
Breezy, not forceful, it tussles my hair,
And the wisps are like whispers of new adventures in my ear.
My companion: you, riding on the wind.

December 05, 2003

Lucky Ain't the Word For it.

Today, I had to write an exam at 14h, but I thought it was at 14h30. Luckily I decided to go a half hour early, so I was in fact on time.

Today's Lesson: Always be early, because some times that gets you there by the skin of your teeth.

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