March 30, 2005

no title

I feel like a fetal pig
and injected with dyes.
I'm stuffed into a jar of formaldehyde
Soon to be on the disection tray,
with a grade twelve student looking down on me.

My arteries are red,
My viens are blue,
On the inside,
I look just like you.

If I turned up my head, and asked you what you've learned, what would you say?
Would it be "nothing..."
Or would you deny that any of us are really dying?

I am Pink or I am Brown.
I am fat.
I live in my own filth.
Who am I??
Wrong! I am not a pig.
I AM Canadian.

March 26, 2005

Other Quotes From Jen

Sex with a fish? At least you'll know it's always wet!

March 24, 2005


I was just thinking about how a stripper has to live a double life, often hidding her proffesion from her family, because of the stigma associated with it. In the same way a super leads a double life, hiding it from his family and wearing costumes at night (!)

For such deep insight, I applaude and reccomend the show Stripperella, on Spike TV.

March 20, 2005

Magical Spring

I've probably mentioned to you in past blogs how much I like winter. The beauty, the sliding sheets of ice, the giant snow flakes to catch with your tongue...

But I've never told you about Spring. Mostly because up until now, it was my least favorite season. I thought of it as a dirty smelly wet time of year. Like a dog left in the rain.

But there are nice things about spring. I think that the runoff of snow melting paths in the snow banks is absolutly serene. and the beauty of trees growing from a large puddle of ice water is a sight to see.

March 08, 2005

An Untapped Renewable Resource

Today while eating some of Ottawa's finest poutine, I engaged myself in a most interesting conversation. Some how, the topic of conversation came upon the topic of viagra (no pun intended). Suddenly, after reminissing on the comical comercial theme songs, a question arose. We all knew that viagra, known for is great powers to errect joy in many couples, was originally being produced for something else. However, we each had our own idea of what this other thing was. I thought it was a heart medication, someone else though it might be birth control for men. I said no, it could not be a birth control for men, because if a man forgot to take the pill then the sperm would start to produce. To which he replied, the male anatomy is quite effient. At this, I mused "Imagine how effient it would be as a car fuel! We would never run out! And all those jobs created."

To which we further mused about being at the gas station and having to use the pump...

March 06, 2005

On lack of Community in Western Culture

Studies suggest that lack of community in north america has lead to an increase in suicide, depression, loneliness and environmental degregation...


"In America, there is loneliness but no solitude, there are crowds but no community." Mary Pipher

"There are 10 million people around me and nobody knows my name." Daughter of Mary Pipher

March 02, 2005

Condom hats

why do old men where those big tuques on their head like condoms? they just sit on the very top and don't even cover their ears. i think it looks very funny.

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