July 28, 2004

Progress Report on My New Year's Resolutions

To find my list of ten new year's resolutions you can click on December of my Goldies but Oldies List, or read below:

1) be more patient 2) exercise more 3) learn how to spell 4) memorize the charter of rights 5) get more regular sleep 6) clear out possessions without functions 7) spend less money on trivial things 8) write more 9) actually fulfill my New Year's Resolutions 10) be happy

1) oh yeah, I forgot about that one... But I have accepted the fact that I'm inpatient. That counts as progress.

2)Yep, doing that. Maybe I still don't work out as much as I should, but I definitely work out more than I did in 2003, so I say this resolution is kept so far.

3)....Spelling. This isn't the most important resolution, is it? And my resolution the year before this was to prioritize. So in effect, I'm keeping a resolution from two years ago, which is more prestigious than keeping one for seven months.

4) irrelevant. Maybe I could read them over, but now that I've decided not to go to debating tournaments this year, it hardly  makes it worth while the time and effort.

5)ah, sleep. I think I most likely have, but maybe not, I can't really tell, because I forget what my sleep was like when I thought it was irregular. Perhaps I am now used to this irregularity, that now I think it is regular, and no longer find it a problem.

6)this one I am doing. I try not to buy things just because they are cute or what ever, I'm doing that quite well. If I do give in, I give it away as a gift, this way it doesn't clutter the house (which is what I'm trying to avoid)

7)as for things that I don't need but are still in fairly good condition, I put in my "re-gifting bag" or give it to the diabetes association for collection.

8)I am writing on my blog fairly often I feel. My average post is once a week, according to my profile stat-0-meter. And I keep a diary, dream journal, emotion chart, and financial book regularly if not daily, and write letters/emails to my long distance family and friends more often than in the past.

9) Looking above, I think I'm doing fairly well don't you think? Five out of the Eight evaluated so far have been kept, so I say that 9 is kept as well.

10)This resolution was really just to make it a round ten. But yeah, I'd say I'm happy.

Things to be thankful for:
~New job where I can learn new and useful skills while continuing my education.
~My education
~A new (the first ever purchased by me with my money) CD titled "Swing Swing" by Kelly and the Kelly Girls
~Good grades in my summer course
~Great time table
~Remembering why I am friends with my friends.
~A sweet, romantic, fun boyfriend
~Two cute cats
~Things to look forward to
~Things to remember
~Delicious food cooked by other people

That Darn Guine Pig

Late last night I woke up to this weird high pitched noise. It was like a million squeeky toys being sqeezed one after another, but never being released. What was this noise that woke me from my slumber? That darn guine big! Still alive.
At four in the morning, I hear this thing squeeling outside. I wonder if it was finally it's time to go.

~Flash Back~
Peneloppe squeels, and like a baby, you cannot ignore her. She has food, fresh water, treats...what else does she want! I take her out, but she doesn't move.

When this back yard guine pig is sqeeling, I wonder if I should bring it water...but, lying in the comfort of my bed at four in the morning, decide that now the guine pig is on its own. This type of animal is used to dry conditions any ways, so it probably gets enough water from my garden that it's eating.
Soon I fall back into my dreams...but on my mind is this strange phenominon of that little animal living in the heart of the ghetto.

July 23, 2004

Death of the Tag Board

New Renovations
So sorry that I keep switching it up, but this is one that I will stick with for a while. I'm relatively happy with this look.

Death of the Tag Board
Notice? It's gone. It's not at the bottom, or to the left, or on a link, it's just deleted. I was having too much trouble with it, and the comments don't last forever... However, you are still able to make a comment by clicking on the word at the bottom of the post if you still want to say "hi!". Sad day indeed.

New Options
Colours, easy hyperlinks...sorry. Just when you thought that Karen got computer savvy, she didn't.

July 22, 2004

How to Get on My Good Side

It's real simple.

Go to http://www.despair.com/pessimistmug.html

Purchase the executive version of the mug, cause I'm that special.

Wrap it pretty when you recive it in the mail.

Give it to me.

Recieve bountiful thanks from me.

We taste things from the cup, and write a letter to the company stating "It really does make every taste bitter!"

Today's other, but equally important, lesson: Simple minds are amused by simple things.

Guine Pig

So I'm just doing some simple chores around the house, when I happen to notice a guine pig run across my back yard and into a bush. I'm allergic to them, but my human heroic instinct kicks in, and I must save this poor animal from certain death!

I get a carrot and woo it. It comes up and eats the carrot but is not as easily captured. Leading it into a cardboard box isn't successful either, and even my neighboor, who speeks no english, helps me....to no avail.

Suddenly, it comes out of the bushes and runs across the lawn. I felt like a three year old trying to grab a rolling ball. Every time I bend down to pick it up it has gone a little further on its way.

"Fine!" I yell, "you can just die, and get eaten. I'm done with you."

Days later, I see the thing running, once again into the bush. "What?" That fucking thing is still alive, maybe that guine pig isn't as domestic as the one I used to have.

Penellope sits there. I watch her, and she just sits. I go to get a drink, come back to my penellope who still hasn't moved. I poke it. She squeels like a pig. A friend calls, and I rushes over to his house. Hours later, I return having forgotten my poor pet. I worry, she could be anywhere!! But no, there she sits, in the same damn spot, three hours later.
This guine pig is not the same. It has now been two weeks, and still it runs around and eats my garden and has not been killed by raccoons, or cats, or dogs, or captured by some abled person.

Today's lesson: I hate guine pigs

July 21, 2004

Today's Quote

In the long run, you only really hit what you aim at.


July 07, 2004

Chapter 56

I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. It is a cleaver, treacherous adversary, how well I know. It has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy. It goes for your weakest spot, which it finds with unerring ease. It begins in your mind, always. One moment you are feeling calm, self-possessed, happy. THen fear, disguised in the garb of mild-mannered doupt, slips into your mind like a spy. Doubt meets disbelief and disbelief tries to push it out. But disbelief is a poorly armed foot soldier. Doubt does away with it with little trouble. You become anxious. Reason comes to do battle for you. You are reasured. Reason is fully equiped with the latest weapons technology. But, to your amazement, despite superior tactics and a number of undeniable victories, reason is laid low. You feel yourself weakening, wavering. Your anxiety becomes dread.
Fear next turns fully to your body, whcich is already aware that something terribly wrong is going on. Already your lungs have flown away like a bird and your guts have slithered away like a snake. Now your tongue drops dead like an oppossum, while your jaw begins to gallop on the spot. Your ears go deaf. Your muscles begin to shiver as if they had malaria and your knees to shake as though they were dancing. Your heart strains too hard, while your sphincter relaxes too much. and so with the reast of your body. Every part of you , in the manner most suited to it, falls apart. Only your eyes work well. They always pay proper attention to fear.
Quickly you make rash decisions. You dismiss your last allies: hope and trust. There, you've defeated yourself. Fear, which is but and impression has triumphed over you.
The matter is difficult to put into words. For fear, real fear, such as shakes you to your foundation, such as you feel when you are brought face to face with your mortal end, nestles in your memory like a gangrene: it seeks to rot everything, even the words with which to speak of it. So you must fight hard to express it. You must fight hard to shine the light of words upon it. Because if you don't, if your fear becomes a wordless darkness that you avoid, perhaps even manage to forget, you open yourself to further attacks of fear because you never truly fought the opponent who defeated you.

-Yann Martel, Life of Pi, pp 178-179 (ch 56)

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