August 31, 2005


I just realised that I have over fifty pairs of socks, (I counted), and I still have trouble most days finding a clean pair to wear. But this means that I could wear a clean pair of socks everyday for a month and a half with out doing laundry. Even longer, maybe two months, if you count the days that I don't wear socks (eg. if I'm wearing sandles).

Today's Lesson: Know when to stop judging when to do laundry by your socks, else you may never to laundry.

August 30, 2005

For the Corny Joke Fans

Thank you, Ann, for those jokes. I haven't heard either of those b4. I will definitely add those to my collection.

Here are my two personal fav's:

Why did the belt go to jail? (I laugh just thinking about this one)
Because he held up the pants!

What did the hat say to the hatrack?
"You stay here, I'll go on ahead."

Hope y'all enjoy those as much as I do.

Action Plan

I've turned on the word verification so bots can't just put posts on. what junk. hope that doesn't hinder your commenting on my blog, since only three or four of you do... ;)

It's a time of war: Those who are nerds and create anoying programs vs. Every one else, who has the sence to just be a friendly internet goer.

List of things I hate:

Comment Spam (*new hate)
People who make spam, viruses, and adware/spyware

And just to even out the hate on this post, here is a list of things I like:

Ice Cream
A Corney Joke
A good book
Art (Spam is not an art, it's a retarded business for offence to retards)
Getting stuff in the mail, unless it's something I hate, like junkmail or bills.

~note: bills are not on my hate list because i like the service they provide. i'd just rather someone else pay them for me. If you'd like to contribute to my happiness, please send an email transfer to the email at the bottom of this blog. You can contribute as little as $10 a month and can stop anytime if your situation changes.

Why People Suck

Can you believe they are now spamming blog comments? visit Then check out the august post "Gottem" in the archives and look that the comment in that post if you care to see. it's random, not a related topic, and that's just a plain nuisance. Has anyone else gotten these things? i have to remember how to delete comments, b/c that's exactly the kind i would delete.

Today's Lesson: Just when you thought people were anoying enough, they just get worse.

August 23, 2005


On the seamonkey blog there is a secret message for you. hope you can find it. It's been there for a long time, it think. Just saw it today and wanted to let you know!


My last post sounds like I've decided to go veg. But I haven't. I'm much to indicisive to make a desision within a decade that would affect my live style. Baby steps.

August 22, 2005

Vegitairianism: more than eating?

For a long time, maybe a decade now, I've been thinking about going vegitarian, or more recently, organic, and most recently, local. (No, not loco. Already there anyways!)

My reason would be for humanitarian and environmental reasons. This blog will be too long if I go into detail here, but prolly most people reading this blog have some idea about the horrors of the world beyond the cosy chair they sit on this very moment.

So what is vegitarianism to me? It's hard to think about because to each vegitarian there is there own personal world view attached. For example, I said earlier that I am concerned about the environment. So I'd rather not eat meat, because it requires more energy to produce than vegtables. But then again, it might take less energy for me to farm a of chicken myself than to buy florida oranges, and healthier to boot. That's not a litteral example of course, but the point is that I'm not going to save the environment if i just stop eating my chiken, because florida oranges are just as bad.

I also wondered about my cats. Can a vegitarian own a cat and not feel guilty? Because a cats main diet contains meat, which would be cruel or environmentally unsound. In this case I would chose to not own cats, and instead volunteer at the humain society to walk dogs and pet cats. And there are certainly no organic cat foods that I know of. Or that maybe, the cat will catch birds and mice, killing them needlessly since he's well fed. And you can't keep a cats caged indoors all the time. Or if it's about animal rights, that animals should not be owned like objects.

And I've always wondered, is it important that a vegitarian also not wear clothes that derive from animals? or any other products, like makup or ferterlizer? Is driving acceptible, since accidental killing of animals is more likey?

What I'd have to conclude on, so as to stop my mind from spinning, is to not take vegitarianism so litterally, at least not is a society that isn't mainstream vegitarian. To just think of vegitarianism as a statement about how our current society works. Since eating is one of the most important things that people do and a very important way for people to bond, I'd say that vegitarianism would make a strong statement. Not only that, but because people eat so much, an enivornmentally friendly diet prolly does make a difference, specially if every did it.

My goal is firstly to eat and buy local when ever I can, secondly choose organic/post-consumer products, and thirdly choose not to use animal products when viable alternatives are available. Of course, I'd probably currently place myself at 5% to goal.

Course, that just the vegitarian part. There is lots of other environmental and humanitarian things unrelated to vegitarianism that are wholely important. But my blog is long enough as it is...

Today's Lesson: Philosophers still have great relavance in today's society.

August 17, 2005

Fucking SpyWare

Well, yesterday I was FINALLY able to get rid of some of the spyware that was on my computer, which has been hovering around for a month. I spent three hours uninstalling and reinstalling programs and doing scans. Then today, a new one comes on my comp, called aurora or something. I think this is because my firewall was down. now I have norton, ad aware and mircrosoft all fighting to keep me safe, and none of them can do it, even tho ever 2 min a window pops up saying they've removed, or quaritined or blocked some spyware, it's always the same files, so i don't belive that they really do anything at all. I am so frustrated, but i spend hours rebooting my computer every time they 'remove' ABetterInternet form my memory. Fucking stupid technology.

August 13, 2005


Oh man, I am soo excited about going back to school this september. This was my second crapy summer in a row, so now i thoroughly hate the season. I just can't imagin life without school. Will i ever have a break down when i Graduate!

August 04, 2005

CN Towers

Note that there is not only a CN Tower in TO but also in Edmonton. At first I thought this was quite funny, because the CN tower in Edm is much smaller, although its almost the tallest building there. And this CN tower is actually a building that people to CN business in. I soon learned that the touristy one in TO was in fact funded by CN itself, like the Corel Centre, or the Rexal Place. I did not know this, the whole time -my entire life- I thought that CN stood for Canadian National Tower. hehe.

But wait, isn't that what CN stands for in the CN Railways? Imma check: yes it does. Canadian National Railway. Wow, that really took the shock and amazement out of this post...but i'll post it any ways since i'm low on my quota and i took the time to write it out.

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