December 31, 2007

Holiday Cheer

Well I'm glad to say that 2007 is ending. This is one of those 'new start' years. This past year had many big events in it, and they were all bad. please post a pleasant memory you had with me because right now I only remember the big life changing events, and boy did they shake things up for me. Life's interesting.

Sometimes, I have a good or bad feeling about the new year. but this time, i get no signal or direction. God says: "you're on your own, kiddo" i must truely become an adult by the end of 2008 AND dabble in the Real World. Hmmm, it's interesting to think that my whole life doesn't count according to society. Because I'm not in this Real World. The office job, nine to fives, settling down, paying a mortgage etc. (note these are all constructions despite it being Real.)

Well, i guess we can see i have a negative additute about 2008. however, i'm hopeful because i think i will gain a new direction of what i want to be in the next life.

January is significant to me, in particular, because it's my birth month. i plan to celebrate and celebrate, just b4 i crack down and hit the books one last time.

New Year Resolutions:
1)Read more!
i will finaly not have uni books to read! i can read for pleasure again!

2)Get Job
i dont REALLY care about this one, but i think i it's a good idea for paying bills and such.

3)Eat according to my moral standards
so for 5 years i've been ruminating on my values and reading up on food, and i finally think i will take a leap and make effort to eat more locally and organically. i do a bit already, but only when it's convenient. now, some may realize this was also my mid year resolution for 2007, but this time i will do better.

4)Worm Compost
yeh, it kills me not to compost any more since it's half my waste, but i also didn't want pets, so i grudgingly accept the vermicompost idea and will begin one starting the new year.

December 20, 2007

the hardest puzzle on the internet

during my 'break' while studying i came across notpron. it's pretty challenging and and is definitely not pron. here i am: totally recommending it!

December 12, 2007

I am data!

I am just reading my text book for my exam tomorrow, and upon reading about the effects of groups and identities, one of the examples is from a study that *I* took part in. That's right, i am part of a fact in a text book! How cool is that!

In my first year, I took part in a study which aimed at discovering individuals identity (either Francophone or Anglophone) and what kinds of things increase understanding or feeling of membership with the other group. The study found that if Anglophones had a good understanding of the French language they identified more than those who didn't know French, and those Francophones that identified with Anglophones felt less connection with Francophones. The study points out that learning a language can blur the lines between cultures.

Today's Lesson: We're all just a cog in the machine.

ps. i think there is no longer an option to colour my text?

December 05, 2007

Just some updates

just letting you know it's exam time for me, so i am prolly not going to post everything running through my head (though i really really want to). but i did add some new links on the side, for some novelty. enjoy.


November 26, 2007

Why I Have a New Love for Blogger

I accidentally deleted this Blog, and i was like gee, that sucks....all those years of effort.
but i was able to contact the blogger team directly, and Karl retrieved my account within hours!
I am sooo grateful.

Today's Lesson: Be careful of the things you are deleting!!!!! Look twice.

November 25, 2007

Why I Hate Google

I haven't posted on here for a month, but it's not because i didn't want to. It's actually because Blogger is now a service used under the gmail services, which means I must use a gmail account. Firstly this upsets me, because my loyalty is (was) in blogger and not gmail. But also I already had a gmail account, but my blogs weren't recognized in my already created gmail. so i had to create a new gmail just to enter my current blogs. Now, apparently i have to copy my blogs over to my current gmail, not the made up gmail to enter my account. But I dont know how to go about doing this... do i redirect the URL, can i copy and paste the link? i haven't a clue. It's needlessly complicated. I dont see why i have to jump through 17 hoops, just so i cant continue to enjoying posting my thoughts on the internet.
I just wanted gmail to merge my two accounts, but you can't even contact a rep. This bothers me. Just because it's the internet it doesn't mean i shouldn't have access to speak with a real person. Any how, here i am posting again, and hating gmail. I hate blogger too for selling it's soul to gmail.

Today's Lesson: I know I'm getting old because it's getting harder to keep up with all the programs and newfangled software.

November 22, 2007


Today was the first snow fall that stayed on the ground. Of course I bundled up and went to play in the snow at my local park. It was a calm night and there were still three ducks swimming in the frigged river waters. I'm glad to see snow: it's my favorite time of year. Each experience is as unique as the snowflakes the landscape is made up of. :)

October 25, 2007

Long Distance Romantic Relationships (LDRR)

I just read an article on LDRR and thought it was interesting having had been in one myself not too long ago. I think both my partner and I would cite the long distance in particular as being quite strenuous and the leading cause of the breakup. The following is written based on Mary Rolfing's article, but i also find it accurate based on my own experience.

This is the article that all the following information comes from:

ROLFING, Mary E.: 1995. "'Doesn't any Body Stay in One Place Any More?' An Exploration of the Under-Studied Phenomenon of Long Distance Relationships". Under Studied Relationships: Off the Beaten Track. Ed. Julia T. Wood, Steve Duck. Sage Publication: California.

Firstly, Mary Rolfing (1995) outlines why LDRR are becoming more common. She pins this to women's liberation. When it became more socially acceptable to pursue interests and goals beyond one's husband, women were able to go to college or university farther away. Before this most long distance relationships occurred in couples where the man was in the military. However, now there are many couples in college that opt for long distance relationships.

The two obvious benifits to a LDRR is that you can pursue your goal with out loosing your lover, and that you would have more time to work/study. However, there are different strains on LDRR that proximal relationships do not have to endure.

The most obvious is the cost. It actually costs more to be in a long distance because you are paying for long distance fees on the phone, and you are visiting quite frequently. This financial burden alone can cause stress in an individual or in the couple.

The second strain is the higher expectation of quality of time when they do see each other. If the quality is diminished there is often disappointment and this can create stress on the relationship, because it is the only time they spend together.

There were also reports of more extreme emotion from the individuals in the relationship. For example feeling really happy, but then very lonely within the same 24 hours.

Rolfing points out that there is very little and conflicting research on intimacy and satisfaction in LDRRs. It seems that the further apart they are and the less they see each other, the harder it is to maintain intimacy. But no matter the distance, seeing each other once a month seems to be adequate for maintaining satisfaction.

Another interesting thing to note is that in LDRs the topics of conversation change. Studies found that one no longer talks about books or movies of interest. Also, "small talk" about insignificant things no longer occurs. Insignificant things that happened during the day are forgotten or trivial once 24 hours have passed and they are taking to their partner. This seems to also reduce intimacy.

Here are some of the items specified as helpful in maintaining a good LDRR:

1) understanding that LDRRs are widespread, you are not alone.
2)having additional support systems
3)developing creative ways to communicate (Rolfing suggests video tapes, gifts etc. but web cams are also a good one these days)
4)prepare for separation with discussion of of rules for communication and visiting.
5)using reunion time wisely, ensuring that the couple deals with affection and plans time for fun.
6)developing and maintaining interpersonal honesty.
7)engaging in open communication
8)developing and maintaining trust
9)focus on positive aspects of LDRR

It was not mentioned in this work that LDRR are also much more effort to maintain. I find that they are very draining because you constantly have to be aware of all of these factors, and not be discouraged by them (e.g. if time is wasted). Proximity relationships, are also sometimes hard to maintain, this is true, but even a couple who found a relationship rather smooth in proximity will inevitably find challenges in the long distance.

October 02, 2007


Don't ask why I was searching for these articles, just read them.

September 26, 2007


Today was the first day I heard geese flying south. It's my favorite sounds, because I know my favorite season is here.

September 19, 2007

Poem From High School

Going through some papers, I found this poem I wrote in one of my classes in high school. Don't read too much into it, or else it doesn't make sense...

Let the world decay.
Let all food rot away.
Let the money be lost.
Let the stars be crossed.
Let the machines fail.
Let the sun become hail.
But my love will aways last.

September 17, 2007

Bus Series #8: Black Market Bus Tickets

Here, in Ottawa, if you happen to be walking in the market or in the general downtown area, you are likely to be asked if you would like to by some bus tickets for 25 cents. (They cost 1.90 dollars for a ride). One who need bus tickets would most likely fee inclined to buy them since it's such a good deal. But wait a moment- where did they get those from in the first place?

There are two ways that I've seen. Some are actually stolen during robberies and are handed out to there buddies, and others ask you for bus tickets out side of a bus station (instead of change). With out thinking about it, one might be more inclined to give away their bus tickets than their money.

My opinion is that we shouldn't buy these bis tickets from them. The first reason is the very same argumentation that applies to the statement we shouldn't give them money, and that is because money only relieves them temporarily and or they don't necessarily use the money for productive goods. They say that donating money to orgs or volunteering or entering a social field is much more effective help for the ind. and the systemic problem.

An other argument is that if you've even giving tickets to these guys and then bought some from them later, you've effectively just paid twice to take the bus, once to the govt and once to the black market...which brings me to my next point.

So the third argument is that the underground ticket sales support drug trade. That's right I said it. Don't we all feel reluctant to give a beggar money because we are fearful they will just spend their money on drugs? What difference does it make if we are getting something out if it? In fact, I'd say that's worse because you are directly benefiting from the sales of goods that go towards buying illegal drugs. Of course this depends on whether you are opposed to the violence that is caused by the trade and are concerned about the health of the drug users and ppl susceptible to using drugs.

September 16, 2007

The first day of the rest of my life

TD was prolly the most influential job of my life time. It certainly gave me a back bone, increased my self-esteem, and taught me invaluable information about the financial world. That being said, banking is not for me, and as time went by, each day at work was another stroke of fur the wrong way on the proverbial cat of life.

Once staying at work became a battle in my life, a long and meticulous debate roared in my mind. Boiling it down, on the plus side, I had a job in a fine sector with benefits that will blow your O-ring. On the down side, I was stressed all the time, stressed at work, stressed at school, stressed during sleep.

And what about my identity? I am a Teller. Any one will feel this with any job they have. What we do becomes our identity. If i met you on the street and said "who are you", you'd say, "imma student" "imma lawyer" "imma consultant" "im just a kid"

When i got the guts to leave, even tho my intention is to not work in the next year, i would have heightened attention to "help wanted" signs even if they were in subway or tim's, or if i overheard someone on the street talking about the job market or a company that's hiring. then i would have to tell my self, i'm not looking for a job. i've been working in some form since i was 14. that's like a decade of my life. i.e. half my life on Earth. i dont even know what it's like to not work. to wear miss-matching socks, cause it dont matter. to sleep in till noon, cause i'll still have time. not consume.

speaking of which, that was another thing. when i lost my job, i immediately thought of 7 large purchases (in the hundreds or thousands of dollars) that i simply had to buy, but didn't because i'm cheep, and i hate going to stores. thank god for that. i'd rather spend the last of my savings on eating and drinking myself to the grave than have any of those purchases in my possession.

any how, my psychological process went from conflicted (about leaving or not), to guilt (about leaving) then fear (about being jobless) topped with a bit of flagrant disregard for tardiness, tactfulness, or discipline (because it was my last four shifts).

break for joke: you could say i made a job...withdrawal, soon after i deposited my resignation
(thanks steve; you make me laugh)

I was also a bit disappointed that there was poor organization for the sasha and karen going away party to which no manager showed up (we have three, you'd think one would drop by.) i received no gift nor card, or spending money for that going away party. however, on my last day i feel that they were redeemed somewhat when my manager took me for lunch, and i negotiated with the branch manager a parting gift of 6 months of my monthly fee to be waived on my account.

Today is my first day not working, and it's marvelous.

Today's lesson: Identity is transient.

September 10, 2007

New Blog

Dear three dedicated readers of observation,

i have started a new blog. this new blog is my dream log, so it wont interfere with my already large volumes of posts on this blog. i did already have a dream journal and a dream blog on my msn space, but i stopped a while back for unknown reasons. the hypothesis is that i got too busy to bother remembering and writing dreams, as this takes time and effort. we all know how hard it is to muster time and effort for the dream world, when things in real life demand things like being on time and meeting deadlines. but what has the real world done for us lately, huh? my dream world never asks me for deadlines. but today i took a day to set up my 'official' site. check it out, and i hope you like it.

(link on right DreamReam)

Today's Lesson: Consistent posting only matters in waking life.

The American Heritage® Dictionary Pronunciation Key

I don't agree with The American Heritage® Dictionary Pronunciation Key, but then again I am Canadian.

I Shall express myself any ways.

The examples: about, item, edible, gallop, circus
The key: ə

However, I think the 'a' in about should be ā as in pat, and the 'e' in item should be ě as in pet, and the 'i' in item should be ĭ as in pit, and the 'o' in gallop and the 'u' in circus should be ŭ as in cut.

Really, I think none of those words should alike except the last two. So I suppose Americans say "I wanted to talk to you ubout the itum of the eduble horse that gallups at the circus." But then, that may be inaccurate too.

Can any one tell me what sound ə actually stands for?

August 15, 2007

I heart the dentist

Wow. this is really fucked up, but when i went to the dentist and the dental hygenist was cleaning my teeth with her sharp metal tools, i was like: gee this is relaxing. and when my gums hurt with the panges of her incesent jabbings of my right insizer, i was thinking wow, i really have a pleasant association with the denist, since even tho my gums are in pain, i feel pretty good. i like the feel of tender but clean teeth after a vistit to the denist every six months or so. on top of that, i'm finally getting a wisdom tooth. it hasn't come out yet, but they took a fancy standing up x-ray, not like their usual lying down one. which means i will prolly have to have a surgury soon. wow! wont that be the day, i was sitting in that office thinking how great it would be to have dental surgury.

this is in particular odd for two reasons:
1) the first is quite obvious. most people hate the dentist! but i sooo love it!
2) i hate all other forms of doctors and surguries. i hate surgeries sooooo much, i cant even bare to continue to explain it to you. i would never be excited to get my tonsels removed or somthing. only the wisdom tooth. it's like a sign of adult-hood or somthing.

July 31, 2007

this is hillarious!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

"If this 'Gnor' person takes you so literally, I'm really wondering what you could have said to make him give you a giant hot dog with the legs of a horse other than 'Boy, I wish I had a hot dog with the legs of the horse.' "

July 22, 2007


So, is it strange that when no one dresses up for a themed party my friend has, that i have enough costume items to go around to every person who walked in the door?
I didn't realize that i had collected so many items...I dressed about a dozen ppl!

May 03, 2007


The city did not pick up the tree...and i refuse to move it, even though its in front of my house. for all i care, it can rot there: tinsle and everything.

May 02, 2007


this morning, i look out my window to greet the day to find tinsel sparking in all it's christmas glory, hanging off the dead brown branches of a conifer. This is not the only one on the street either. There are others.

What i want to know is where the fuck someone keeps a dead tree in their small apt, and why they didn't toss it on the week in the new year the city will pick it up (which can be easily found on their website).

I hope the city accepts it, because i dont want a dead tree on my lawn all summer. Pretty funny, eh?

Today's lesson: the christmas tree is impractical.

April 30, 2007

Old post from my cyber junk page.

today i made a roll of dimes which is equal to five dollars. my friend was pretty impressed. she pointed that a roll of loonies is $25 dollars, which means i could use a roll to buy shoes from pay less. unfortunatly, i never make it that far with the loonies, since i use them to do laundry.

lesson of the day: sometimes blog worthy posts and ideas dont make it to "Observation" and that's okay.

April 25, 2007

Gov't bans inefficient lighting

uh, yeah. who came up with this brilliant idea (a-ha pun)?
You know what's inefficient?
Government is inefficient!
I can't believe that of all the things the government should do this is the one thing they did. I agree that every one should use more efficient light bulbs, but calling this an initiative is pretty funny. It's analogous to the following scenario that i hope all students identify with: Say for the past few years, profs have been telling you to bring a dark pencil to the multiple choice exam. You can bring a pen, but if you make a mistake you cant erase. As a result, most bring pencils. Sure there are those that don't but over time, the obvious pit falls have people turn to the pencil. Suddenly, the university comes out and says "hey dudes, pens are banned at m/c exams! look how awesome we are for saving you guys!"

when i looked up initiative in the dictionary, the def relating to government meant that initiative is the right to raise a popular topic. that in itself is okay, because reducing crime is popular, and leg. to stop crime seems pretty good, but i dont think how you light your home (and how you turn off your lights when you leave the room) should be deligated by law. i'm sure a good edu program in media and in school will suffice. what happend to taxing things? they tax ciggarettes? why not light bulbs? they should just make it so expensive to buy incandesant bulbs for any one to want them. arn't we supposed to be all neo-liberal? get rid of enviro laws and manage them with the market?

sure you may say that laws reflect the values of our society, and that this would mean that our society is caring more about energy consumption. well what a baby step, considering their slashing enviro law on every other front...

hmm, i've run out of time for ranting....

until next time

April 13, 2007

Karen's Goth poem: written as if she had been goth at 16.

Title: Goth Poem

Oh!What deplorable and wretched state that I am in...
The inner confines of my mind are withered and wrinkled
premature of a natural time.
You are the black thumb of the delicate plant
that is my wilted soul: starving for
light and love.
Macabre are the empty chambers of my heart.
Incessant echos of what used to be.
Black paint pours over my soul like the river of Styx.
The paint must have been on sale at Wal-Mart,
lest you expend any time or any money
that would put you out of your busy ways;
even to decorate my character with shame.
O! How indecorous of all ideas!
Dark are the days that I think about
your capabilities to moor contemptible peculiarities
to my already tumultuous marrow.

So this is my very first goth poem, written according to advice i read on found Internet pages such as Maybe I'll post this on a goth forum to get some constructive feed back. I certainly think this poem is more interesting than some i found in cyber space with a quick Google, but perhaps it's not dark enough? I think i might have used too many positive connotation words like 'light', 'love' and 'day'. I'm not sure if i acheived a gothy feel: any opinions? Also the Wal-Mart comment might bring the reader out of eternal sadness and into the humor realm. I'm a satirist by nature and thought it was too good to take out. However, I'm aware that irony shouldn't be in goth poems, unless of course it makes one sad to think about it. although, right now i cant think how irony couldn't be funny on some level! that's what irony is, isn't it? Something so tragic, yet it's funny. Like the the Crock hunter who died of a Sting-Raye...the least dangerous of all the animals he dealt with his whole life! It's sad that he's dead, but that's still kinda funny. ppl joke about it all the time.

Any how, let me know what you think of my attempt at big worded expression of depression.

April 02, 2007

Moudly Bread Theory

I kept noticing that in the morning for breakfast, that if i was wondering if my bread had gone bad yet and upon inspection the bread seemed fine, in the afternoon if i went back to the bread for another meal, the bread was now mouldy. Covered with bluish, black and white mould! (Which would always make me uneasy about the breakfast i had). This happend often enough that i started to notice, and subsequently made a point of conciously observing it. It appears as though my bread only goes mouldy after 12 pm, and never in the morning.

April 01, 2007


On the way to work, I saw some graphitti under the bridge i pass. It said "Anarchist Movement April 1st at the Jordan* community centre" I think this is funny because the anarchist movement is held at a community centre which is funded by the government! lol

*This name is made up as i forgot the actual name of the community centre

March 18, 2007

Lesson of the day...

It's always rewarding to spend a little extra time on youtube.


The VERY first instrument ever designed to not be touched when played!

you have been comissioned to build me one for my pleasure

check it out:

March 08, 2007

Mid-Year Resolution

I've always been interested in local foods, and feel that every one should focus on buying local whenever possible. However, I've always felt that univeristy makes this difficult because of lack of time. I've chosen the most convient location to buy all of my food.

But now I realize there are many stores in the down town region which offer local produce and meat. I was thinking I had to drive out to a farm and buy half a cow, but there are butchers that do that for me...! I will make more of an effort to go to these locations and finally increase my local consumption.

This will help me in my goals to:
*Reduce the amount of C02 produced indirectly by my decisions
*Increase the amount of walking I do
*Support small business
*Reduce my dependancy on large scale business which comprimise animal and human rights and potentially my health.

My Blogger

I used to post every week, but now it's more like every month. However, I do still do it, making it the longest I've done anything consistently in terms of hobbies. At first I thought, neeto! But then I realised how what a sad thing that says about my work ethic or consistancy. It'll be five years this summer, and six if you include the old deleted blog of yore.

I will attribute my lesser quantity of posting to other online outlets, like facebook, which i actually get comments on from time to time. did you know that my posting is directly proportional to my knowledge that others actually look at my shit?

also, i live downtown, and live with people, which means i see people more often, and therefore have less time to write. before i lived all the way in the south end and no one wanted to hang out with me at my end. Because i was far away, the computer was my main source of entertainment. therefore, my postings in general increase the less i hangout. but that is not the only factor...

also, i have just not been writing as much, maybe i'm going through a phase, but i haven't wrote my dreams down in my dream blog either, tho there have been many.

sometimes i get an idea that i want to write but then totally forget later... did i ever tell you my mouldy bread theory?

if not, that's another post. maybe i'll make two this month.

February 04, 2007

Vision developpement and Ghosts.

You know that movie called The Messengers where the baby can see ghosts?
It got me thinking...
If you've ever studied a bit of psychology, then you may have learned about vision-how it works and how it develops.
There is this one experiment that was done with cats. They raised one group of kittens in an environment in which there was only horizontal stumuli, and another group in an environment in which there was only vertical stimuli. after devolpement, cats which were raised in a horizontal-only enviro where unable to detect vertical lines, and so were unable to go through doors and such, and vise versa for the vertial-only kittens.
So the point of this experiment is that past the window of vision developement, they could no longer learn to see what indeed existed in the world.
So imagine that when you were a child that had been deprived of certain critical elements which enabled you to see what you see today.
And here's what i was thinking: if when you are a child you are not exposed to ghosts or elements which enable you to see ghosts, then past that window of vision developement, you will never gain that ability to see them.
So an infant living in a haunted house would be able to see the paranormal because at that age you are still developing. (babies have way more brain cells than adult brains, where the unused ones die off after developement.)

Any way, I guess it's safe to say that i could suspend my disbelief for this movie.

Do you know any one who says they can see ghosts? ask them when was the first time they saw one.

Today's Lesson: the more we know the more questions we have.

January 25, 2007

no need to worry

"L’énergie radiante prend 8 minutes pour atteindre la Terre, mais environ 1 million d’années pour atteindre la photosphère à partir du noyau. "

Even if the sun ran out of hydrogen to fuse at this very moment, we would still have a million years and eight minutes to locate a suitable planet to relocate to, invent transporation, pack our bags, create a new religion and get the hell out of planet earth.

Unfortunatly, our own Progress may end us before 1 000 000 a 8 min, but it's compforting to know how i'm not going to die.

January 23, 2007

babel fish translation

¿sobre mí?
soy cuadrado, yo soy círculo
me gusto de rojo, verde y púrpura
¿usted desea saber más detalle?
el escribir en esta caja no podrá decirle
mucho de quién soy
ecepto que me gusto de los huevos y del jamón verdes
(con el syrop en tapa)

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