August 19, 2006


Yesterday, I was looking up a word in the dictionary, and sorta got lost in looking up definitions of things. I spent the rest of the evening doing this too. Sometimes a definition would suggest that i compare the word with another word, and of course i would get excited and do just that.

This reminds me of when i was little. i remember Mr. Ruthers punishing children for talking by having them write all the definitions in a dictionary for a given length of time. How fun! I thought when i was once punished for talking (if you can believe i talked in class...)

Well then, I must really be a nerd if my idea of a friday night is looking up words in the dictionary, and thought grade shcool punishment was fun.

If that were not enough, I came up with a really great idea for a rainy day: I want to write an entire blog using only words that i have never used before (excluding articles and conjuncitons and that shit). So, hopefully i will get around to that b4 school starts. Wont that be a treat? lol

August 17, 2006

What you learned in school was wrong

There are more planets than you think...well for now, the potential is there.

Three years ago to the month i posted about planets.

August 28, 2003.

August seems to be a telling month to have a astronomy in mainstream media.

i'd write a facinating post about the new planets that may be, but it looks like there are a million ppl who'd write a better one for me. so why rewrite? here's my uncle's current fav blog:

today's lesson: science is about facts. fact: there are 9 planets in our solar system. on thursday this blog post may be out of date, and so will your cherished education. by the way, the accepted theory is no longer 'the world is flat'. so the lesson? science isn't about what we know, it's about what we don't know.

August 15, 2006


If you live in Canada, then perhaps you've seen those cute commercials where a person form someplace exotic stops you in front of a tourist attraction and talks about how a place in Canada is sooo amazing, "have you been there?" you're answer, coming from your couch is prolly no.

Since my familly is quite spread out accross Canada, (at one time, I've had a family member in every provincial capital exept newfoundland), i've have the wonderful chance to see many parts of Cananda. I traveled by plane, train and automobile.

Growing into my third decade on earth, i am finally starting to appriciate the diversity and exoticness that Canada really has to offer. By diversity, i do mean the different cultures that make up Canada, this is a huge part of the idenity of Canada. I also mean that all the provinces and cites across Canada are different too. They are like ancient Greece: a bunch of cities, all with their own themes and stories and problems.... but somehow united as a nation whole.

Today I happen to be in Regina, the provincial capital of Saskatchewan. As I move through the streets of Regina, I notice the local scenery. Here the city is filled with trees. Streets lined with Elm. The whole city is elm. THis is different than ottawa, where there are no trees, and different form Toronto where singular trees thrive amidst their perfectly planed cement habitat. And its different because Regina made a big mistake. Sure it looks nice to have a uniform city of elm. but now there is trouble. And you'd think they would have known, being in a province known for its vast horizon of farming culture.

If you dont know, most farms are opperated under a monoculture. this means that if they plant corn, they plant corn. the whole feild is corn. the benifits of this is that you get a hell of a lot of corn at harvist, the bad news is your crops are more suseptible to desease and infestation.

All the trees in Regina are lines with this sticky plastic right at shoulder height. This is to stop the infestation of larva that come from the ground, climb the tree and eat the elms to death. Its kinda ugly and there are insects all over it. It's not so bad, except that in recent years, they have a new epidemic.

Dutch Elm Disease.

Here the local bilboards are of two pictures of elm trees, one healthy the other damaged. "We can prevent Elm Disease" it says.

The reason i wrote all that to tell you about a billboard is because i find it funny. In ottawa, billboards have spotted bananas warning us of disease we may get, but here in Regina the City is very concerned of the look of the city. They recently also renovated an enitire lake to be more beautiful. And beautiful it is. You know, actually Regina is a fine city. Maybe Ottawa could use a little bit of a make over. We could stand to care more about our look. Regina has this brand. Sure Ottawa has a brand. The parlement. Granted the parlement itself is under construction, but there is only so many picture you can take of this. the rest of the city is crap. you turn a corner, and boom, you are in crap town. I think ottawa should stop expanding and start amiliorating its city.

August 12, 2006

a day like today

on a day like today, i can feel in the air that any partying going on will be good. if i was a priest, i would bless this day.

i am not partying however. i will be on a plane to regina, saskachewan. i have family there. then after this i will go to edmonton, where other family members reside. this doesn't mean that something interesting wont happen (though nothing usually happens) but you'll be the first to know if it does.

August 09, 2006

i'm sorry

i'm sorry that my last post was such a crying shame. i thought i was real funny, but obviously, was not. oh the shame. but i wont delete it. no, i'm too desperate, because i have has such few posts this summer.

these days, i just dont know what to observe.

too bitter. i'm disillusioned. doesn't make for good writing.

however, i still submitted some poetry to a public library contest. hopefully i will win. the bad part is, i gave them the wrong address. i would be terribly disapointed if some other bloke got my 2000 dollars...

it's not totally out of the realm of reality for me to win. i've won contests in writing b4. 2nd place!

how my creativity has been a desert this year so far. i'm lost.

the past few days there were remrants of artistic ability, but they eluded me when i made some effort.

i think it's because i'm doing something wrong with my life. i'm not sure what it is. one of my philosophies must be outdated, its time for me to do some research on myself.

but ah, "there in lies the rub". i fucking hate to study.

but this is not true. i actually hate studying for exams, and writing essays, which unfortuately is the primary way in which university checks to see how much i know.

but i do like to read up on stuff.

what the real problem is, is that i dont have modivation. i cant ever finish a project if it takes too long. i need some modivation.

my biggest sin is sloth.

today's lesson: today's lesson comes from the "little red book of selling: 12.5 principles of sales greatness" by jeffrey gitomer

"Most [ppl] make the fatal mistake of starting in the middle. They start with 'action'"

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