September 26, 2007


Today was the first day I heard geese flying south. It's my favorite sounds, because I know my favorite season is here.

September 19, 2007

Poem From High School

Going through some papers, I found this poem I wrote in one of my classes in high school. Don't read too much into it, or else it doesn't make sense...

Let the world decay.
Let all food rot away.
Let the money be lost.
Let the stars be crossed.
Let the machines fail.
Let the sun become hail.
But my love will aways last.

September 17, 2007

Bus Series #8: Black Market Bus Tickets

Here, in Ottawa, if you happen to be walking in the market or in the general downtown area, you are likely to be asked if you would like to by some bus tickets for 25 cents. (They cost 1.90 dollars for a ride). One who need bus tickets would most likely fee inclined to buy them since it's such a good deal. But wait a moment- where did they get those from in the first place?

There are two ways that I've seen. Some are actually stolen during robberies and are handed out to there buddies, and others ask you for bus tickets out side of a bus station (instead of change). With out thinking about it, one might be more inclined to give away their bus tickets than their money.

My opinion is that we shouldn't buy these bis tickets from them. The first reason is the very same argumentation that applies to the statement we shouldn't give them money, and that is because money only relieves them temporarily and or they don't necessarily use the money for productive goods. They say that donating money to orgs or volunteering or entering a social field is much more effective help for the ind. and the systemic problem.

An other argument is that if you've even giving tickets to these guys and then bought some from them later, you've effectively just paid twice to take the bus, once to the govt and once to the black market...which brings me to my next point.

So the third argument is that the underground ticket sales support drug trade. That's right I said it. Don't we all feel reluctant to give a beggar money because we are fearful they will just spend their money on drugs? What difference does it make if we are getting something out if it? In fact, I'd say that's worse because you are directly benefiting from the sales of goods that go towards buying illegal drugs. Of course this depends on whether you are opposed to the violence that is caused by the trade and are concerned about the health of the drug users and ppl susceptible to using drugs.

September 16, 2007

The first day of the rest of my life

TD was prolly the most influential job of my life time. It certainly gave me a back bone, increased my self-esteem, and taught me invaluable information about the financial world. That being said, banking is not for me, and as time went by, each day at work was another stroke of fur the wrong way on the proverbial cat of life.

Once staying at work became a battle in my life, a long and meticulous debate roared in my mind. Boiling it down, on the plus side, I had a job in a fine sector with benefits that will blow your O-ring. On the down side, I was stressed all the time, stressed at work, stressed at school, stressed during sleep.

And what about my identity? I am a Teller. Any one will feel this with any job they have. What we do becomes our identity. If i met you on the street and said "who are you", you'd say, "imma student" "imma lawyer" "imma consultant" "im just a kid"

When i got the guts to leave, even tho my intention is to not work in the next year, i would have heightened attention to "help wanted" signs even if they were in subway or tim's, or if i overheard someone on the street talking about the job market or a company that's hiring. then i would have to tell my self, i'm not looking for a job. i've been working in some form since i was 14. that's like a decade of my life. i.e. half my life on Earth. i dont even know what it's like to not work. to wear miss-matching socks, cause it dont matter. to sleep in till noon, cause i'll still have time. not consume.

speaking of which, that was another thing. when i lost my job, i immediately thought of 7 large purchases (in the hundreds or thousands of dollars) that i simply had to buy, but didn't because i'm cheep, and i hate going to stores. thank god for that. i'd rather spend the last of my savings on eating and drinking myself to the grave than have any of those purchases in my possession.

any how, my psychological process went from conflicted (about leaving or not), to guilt (about leaving) then fear (about being jobless) topped with a bit of flagrant disregard for tardiness, tactfulness, or discipline (because it was my last four shifts).

break for joke: you could say i made a job...withdrawal, soon after i deposited my resignation
(thanks steve; you make me laugh)

I was also a bit disappointed that there was poor organization for the sasha and karen going away party to which no manager showed up (we have three, you'd think one would drop by.) i received no gift nor card, or spending money for that going away party. however, on my last day i feel that they were redeemed somewhat when my manager took me for lunch, and i negotiated with the branch manager a parting gift of 6 months of my monthly fee to be waived on my account.

Today is my first day not working, and it's marvelous.

Today's lesson: Identity is transient.

September 10, 2007

New Blog

Dear three dedicated readers of observation,

i have started a new blog. this new blog is my dream log, so it wont interfere with my already large volumes of posts on this blog. i did already have a dream journal and a dream blog on my msn space, but i stopped a while back for unknown reasons. the hypothesis is that i got too busy to bother remembering and writing dreams, as this takes time and effort. we all know how hard it is to muster time and effort for the dream world, when things in real life demand things like being on time and meeting deadlines. but what has the real world done for us lately, huh? my dream world never asks me for deadlines. but today i took a day to set up my 'official' site. check it out, and i hope you like it.

(link on right DreamReam)

Today's Lesson: Consistent posting only matters in waking life.

The American Heritage® Dictionary Pronunciation Key

I don't agree with The American Heritage® Dictionary Pronunciation Key, but then again I am Canadian.

I Shall express myself any ways.

The examples: about, item, edible, gallop, circus
The key: ə

However, I think the 'a' in about should be ā as in pat, and the 'e' in item should be ě as in pet, and the 'i' in item should be ĭ as in pit, and the 'o' in gallop and the 'u' in circus should be ŭ as in cut.

Really, I think none of those words should alike except the last two. So I suppose Americans say "I wanted to talk to you ubout the itum of the eduble horse that gallups at the circus." But then, that may be inaccurate too.

Can any one tell me what sound ə actually stands for?

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