May 26, 2004

I'm Going All Political on You

Hey, I know that my blog entries have been pretty unfunny, compared to my old blogs of yore, but there is no time for apologies, so deal.

What I have noticed recently is that in the voter population, the poor people and people who depend on the government for income are the people who should be voting left (well really one could argue that NDP is actually centre relative to Europe.) They should vote NDP. Yet the very people who need a party like the NDP don't vote for them...They vote conservative....What the hell?

Politics really confuses the hell outta me.

From 24 Hour Death Drudge Tournament

An argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with a voter.

May 10, 2004

Quotes of the Day

"Men are like a fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with." -Damned chain letter

And my personal favorite:

"The more people I meet, the more I like my cat" -Mel


Check It Out

The link to "CBC Radio 3" always has some great original music. Also it has some artsy perspective on things. They update it frequently. It's worth checking out.

May 09, 2004

Some Stats

$8 billion are spent on lottery tickets by Canadiens every year.

In the U.S. 94% of the worlds law suits are filed.

May 03, 2004

Today's Post (After Much Editing)

Today, I did a bit of spring cleaning on my blog. As I went threw November, December, January, February, March, and April posts, I came under the realization that my posts are indeed a lot better the further back in time my post was published.

This post is going to be about hope; hope for better and funnier blogs in the future. Now that the summer is here, perhaps once again I can observe the eccentricities of life, one blog at a time.

As you will have noticed, my blog is changing. About a month ago, I change some colours for the web links. It's not that I've learn what crazy combination of numbers I must enter in order to make moss-green, but more like I punched in random numbers until I got a pleasing colour. Just yesterday, I also put up a blog poll. I guess I will change that when ever the hell I feel like it. I would love it if people took part in it, no matter how stupid my poll may be.

In the near future, I hope to learn how to add pictures into my blog entry, so I can make my blogs prettier.

Keep in touch, to be the first on YOUR block to know what kind of changes are happening on OBSERVATION insight from my sight.

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