November 26, 2005

Dear Weenie

I can't remember where I heard this, but it was most likely CBC radio, as this is my biggest source of audio knowledge.

This is in response to the comment that you left in the previous post about how i hate "my hump".

What i heard was that radio stations don't actually play what's popular. the big music companies pay to have songs played on airtime. more money/gifts equals more airtime. the more airtime a song gets, the more likely it will become popular. reasons: exposure so that more people hear it, and repitition so that if you don't like it, at least it's in your head-maybe this will make you buy a cd.

of course some songs just flop. but we dont remember those, cause they're pulled.

other points this radio show touched on: is this immoral/bad?-->conclusion: not nessessarily. there is a big history behind music on the radio. it wasn't bad then, but now it's out of hand? do we change it/CAN we change it?

My Music at Work

Hot 89.9 has got to be the worst radio station ever invented. "My Hump" is played repeatedly, with four decent songs during my shift, so that you can't wholey hate it. But this is a lie. Because I do wholey hate this station. If only because of contstant repition of songs I don't like.

I would much prefer to listen to Beatles 24hours. Or anything, for that matter, that I like.

Can you imagine serving and old lady, who is criticizing you because you are wearing "slacks" to work and women never used to do this. In the background "My Hump" plays, and another teller absent mindedly sings the corous.

I think this is weird.

Guess I'm just a hater.

K bye.

November 25, 2005

Johnny Cash

I've always loved his music, but since I saw the movie "walk the line" I've been obsessive. "ring of fire" has been in my head for days now.

November 14, 2005


One project down, six to go.

November 13, 2005

Taking It

Comon' Prof, I challenge you
To pick a day when my essay's due.
An arbritrary day to ruin my life-
But only enough to cause temperary strife.

Journals: stuffed with acadamia
Arguements: words tucking in quotes
Title pages: one less part of a tree that lives, one more thing done in my work.
Books: looking to see when it was last borrowed-1990, 1982, never.

November 12, 2005

Add in Young Beautiful Wife Here

While doing my essay, I needed a syn for 'toil', and came across and add:

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Doesn't the wife in the picture look edited? Like she's been pasted in? Everything is blurry, execpt her face and boney collar bones. It's like if you invest with us, then you'll be able to afford to by a good corel program that makes it look like you can still get hot chicks in your "old" age.

November 11, 2005

Ralph and Mittens

My little babies are gone. The house is so lonely without them. Today I opened a can of tuna for lunch, and had to pour the tuna water in the sink. I wanted to put it in the cat dish. No dish, no cat. All that remains is their litter- not my favorite thing about cats, but when I go to put it in the trash, it's gonna make me teer up. Never again will they lay on my bed at night. Of course by the same token, never again will they wake me up at 6 30 in the morning for their food. Still, a small price to pay for the company of a small animal.

Good-bye my friends.

My two favorite people in the whole world.

November 10, 2005

Memory Lane

Please Read both posts for Monday Sept 8, 2003.

Just a little thing that made me smile today.

Time to Stop Working so Hard

The other day someone said that poeple on welfare make $535 a month. This information isn't new to me, but having a lot of other things on my mind lately made me put this dollar amount into relation to myself. I only make $265 more than my neighbours on welfare. At first I was upset that I get paid so terribly. But then it became tempting to thinking about actually being on welfare. If I just invested less, I could live the same life style I'm living now, and I'd prolly get subsidies for Uni too. Of course $535 is the absolute bare minimum to live, and the living ain't good. So I don't think I'll do that option, but it's something to think about: more idiosyncrosities of life...

November 05, 2005

Lamenter Lamenting Laments

So I have been very disolusioned with school as of late. I am just so tired of worrying about how fast I'm reading my books. School just makes you churn out a bunch of assignments who's merit is not based on quality, but whether or not you can make the dead lines, and how many famous people you quote.

In my labs, I'm required to cut and paste data from one exel sheet into the next exel sheet of stat formulas, then I answers a few uncreative questions, and at the end of the year I am expected to know how to do all the work on an exam.

One profesor forces attendance by the use of pop-quizes. It's worth 5%, and there are five in the year. They are based on things going on in the news paper, and require no critical thinking where I must apply real life to theory in the classroom.
I must answer cryptic questions like "Water, water everwhere, but not a drop to drink. Where am I?" and "I'm Jack Layton, what am I yelling at Martin about?" or "I talk soft, but I'm not soft about this issue:". Sure if you read the paper in the morning these are easy questions, but I don't read the paper. More to the point: how late did he stay up writing these questions?

I don't have anything interesting to say about my pshyc class, but it is equally unstimulating, and makes me wonder why the fuck I bother getting an eduaction. I would be just as happy do some go-fer type job, than be what ever it is that edu will get me in the long run.

This all arises from my activism course. It's voluntary, and despite competing obligations, I still manage to go, if only to listent to the speakers. One in particular, a prof in woman's studies spoke on feminism. This for another day. What stuck in my mind was that she had recently seen a talk by someone else on University, and she breifly mentioned how he said we have to question our school system. At first, I thought, gee no, school's great. But really the more I thought about it. There is just a billion of things wrong....

(for jen)... billions, and billions, and billions of things.

School tells me the pop will stabalize at 9 billion, or ten, depending on which expert you ask.
School tells me there is oil for years to come, others say this comes at the cost of peace and the environment.
School tells me school's about learning to learn, or it's playing a game, or just a peice of paper, or the best experience of your life (wasn't that highschool?), or a great institution. These all depend on who you ask.

If you ask me, schools a lot of things. Mostly, bullshit, high prices and assimilation.

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