August 13, 2004

Ban the Billboards

Last night while waiting for the bus, there was a huge billboard across the street from me, and it got me thinking about advertising. I really don't like blunt advertising like that. I much prefer the subtle form. For example, a character drinking pepsi in a film, or how the word "kleenex" took over "disposible nose tissue" in our vocabulary. Blunt advertising like tv commercials and billboards just seem like an eyesore.

What do you think?


  1. I agree. I have some free time on my hands, so while I'm driving around my neighborhood, I remove all of the lawn signs that are posted in public property and shred them. There is one persistent company in particular, however after I collected and destroyed about 30 of their signs, they finally stopped placing them. Then I complained to the Township, and they sent them a nasty legal letter, as this behaviour is frowned upon.

  2. advertising has just taken over way too much space, and while billboards and posters and stuff are really ugly, i'd rather have the big obvious blatant ads than the subtle product-placement types, because at least with the former i know they're ads, but with the latter, it's almost a form of subliminal brainwashing. which is probably more effective, but definitely more creepy.

  3. that was me, gloria, by the way :)

  4. well maybe it's b/c i'm in business...but i love advertisements. i love looking at them. i love their appeal. i love everything about them! what's so bad about business's trying to promote their products. you wouldn't even know about half the stuff you've bought without an advertisement! as well, if companies didn't advertise then our standard of living and GDP would be a lot lower. companies make us money and benefit our economies. don't hate on their methods of developing...understand it.

  5. Hey, well good point maria. I don't know if I can say much because my economics class is this semester, so maybe in three months i can say something better. But maybe it's because I take great interest in the environment. Considering environmental issues, the economy is greatly flawed and the GPA is considerably lower when health of the environment is included in the calculations.


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