March 08, 2005

An Untapped Renewable Resource

Today while eating some of Ottawa's finest poutine, I engaged myself in a most interesting conversation. Some how, the topic of conversation came upon the topic of viagra (no pun intended). Suddenly, after reminissing on the comical comercial theme songs, a question arose. We all knew that viagra, known for is great powers to errect joy in many couples, was originally being produced for something else. However, we each had our own idea of what this other thing was. I thought it was a heart medication, someone else though it might be birth control for men. I said no, it could not be a birth control for men, because if a man forgot to take the pill then the sperm would start to produce. To which he replied, the male anatomy is quite effient. At this, I mused "Imagine how effient it would be as a car fuel! We would never run out! And all those jobs created."

To which we further mused about being at the gas station and having to use the pump...

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