May 28, 2005


Remember the "Today's Lesson" I used to post at the end of my comments? Those humourous little tidbits of advice? I didn't. I totally forgot that I used to do that. The last time I put one in my posts is Sept 16 2004. That was over nine months ago. I could have had a baby in that time.

It's funny how my style has, and the look of the blog has evolved over time. I really miss the writing style that I used. I'll have to try to get back into that; I just feel like 'real life' really keeps you from being the best you can be.

I think this because work is about doing what's best for the company, being a representitive of the company. Infact, more and more these days, companies are imposing more of their values onto the personal life of the individual. For example, some companies, highly encourage not smoking. Not just at work, but also in the home. Some offer help for quiting smoking, while still others require it to be an employee!

Other examples could be dating in the work place, or how you act, or what you say. It may not seem like it, but you change over time. I think it's pretty damn close to brain washing! haha

So my point here is that if my blogs not as good as when i was young, then I blame it on "real life".. all those companies that bill me, all the companies that employ me, insure me, or even adevertise to me. They make this blog bad, becuase they make me feel uncreative, and feel grey about society. Stupid 'real life', who made you REAL any ways?

1 comment:

  1. You do a big spiel (not that I've ever heard you speaking the Yiddish) about not including "Today's Lesson" for nine months, and you don't comclude the post with Today's Lesson ... 'sup with that?


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