April 25, 2007

Gov't bans inefficient lighting

uh, yeah. who came up with this brilliant idea (a-ha pun)?
You know what's inefficient?
Government is inefficient!
I can't believe that of all the things the government should do this is the one thing they did. I agree that every one should use more efficient light bulbs, but calling this an initiative is pretty funny. It's analogous to the following scenario that i hope all students identify with: Say for the past few years, profs have been telling you to bring a dark pencil to the multiple choice exam. You can bring a pen, but if you make a mistake you cant erase. As a result, most bring pencils. Sure there are those that don't but over time, the obvious pit falls have people turn to the pencil. Suddenly, the university comes out and says "hey dudes, pens are banned at m/c exams! look how awesome we are for saving you guys!"

when i looked up initiative in the dictionary, the def relating to government meant that initiative is the right to raise a popular topic. that in itself is okay, because reducing crime is popular, and leg. to stop crime seems pretty good, but i dont think how you light your home (and how you turn off your lights when you leave the room) should be deligated by law. i'm sure a good edu program in media and in school will suffice. what happend to taxing things? they tax ciggarettes? why not light bulbs? they should just make it so expensive to buy incandesant bulbs for any one to want them. arn't we supposed to be all neo-liberal? get rid of enviro laws and manage them with the market?

sure you may say that laws reflect the values of our society, and that this would mean that our society is caring more about energy consumption. well what a baby step, considering their slashing enviro law on every other front...

hmm, i've run out of time for ranting....

until next time

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