March 10, 2004

*The Journey to the Destination*

Jack and Ryan told of there adventures in the depths of ancient labyrinths, hights of towering mountains, and speedy chases in plains, cars and motorcycles.

Ken and Mike stared with the interest that only hamsters have with their own reflection in the mirror. So Jack and Ryan got the hint and were off; so were the two, too, to the terminal in ticking time.

The train waited for the arrival of the four heroes, since Jack takes the tickets, Ryan serves the drinks, Ken conducts, and Mike keeps the time. On the train were a hub-bub of peoples, including a woman who's beauty is often compared to the most well bread of dogs. She had incredible taste (in the 80's) and looked Jack in the eye.

"You want something from me, don't you?" she asked in a lusty manner.

Jack replied: "I do."

"I bet it's something that you've been waiting for...Something that you need in order to continue in life... Something urgent...!" she was exited now.

"YES!" cried Jack, "You're right...Please," he moved his hand toward the woman and anticipated her next move.

Her eyes fluttered, her cheeks were rosy. She reach into her bag and removed the object of desire: the train ticket.

"Thank you" said Jack.

"Of course," she sat to get comfortable for the ride.

Mike found that it took Jack four minutes and twenty-three seconds to collect all the tickets on the train. Ken began the voyage with a hearty "All aboard!!" and Ryan promptly served the drinks.

They were all on their way to their destination.

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