June 11, 2004

Keeping up With Demand. BONUS: Things to do in Ottawa

Geez Relax, I will update my blog when the modivation, the inspiration, and the time all collide on Observation (In sight from my sight).

However, you are luckey today, since I happen to remember something interesting about my home town here in Ottawa. What's so great about this city is you don't need to have money in order to have fun. There is a whole whim of fun on the streets...

That would be the down town bums.

They are pretty interesting, those guys.

Dr. Mask: This is a man who rides around on those disapility scooters in the market area. He wears a docter mask on his forhead every day. Furthermore, there is a trailer attached to his scooter at the back; sort of like a little platform, on which a large collie sits. The dog is free to run around if it wished, but i don't think the dog has any desire to do so. When ever the streets get really busy and it's hard to manouver and Dr. Mask needs to get threw, he begings to hollar and yell things at the top of his lungs. If you ever see Dr. Mask I recomend you stop and have a chat with him. He's a very friendly (albeit strange) man.

"Jesus loves you": This is a man who likes to hang out around the Rideau Centre. Some times you can find him up on MacKenzie Bridge. He also blesses you and tells you that you are loved by the son of God. Upon my first blessing from him I thanked him. But he seems to do it no matter how much you see him. I have come to the belief that he doesn't know how to say anything but those words.

There are many who have outstanding quirks, but we cannot forget the ones that are quite ambient, you know, the ones that every city has.

The pot smokers: These guys will ask you if you have any papers. These guys really get me. For one they just ask any one, they don't even bother looking for some one who would be likey to be a smoker. They ask 80 year old granny who is hooked up to oxygen. Their brains surely must be fried. Second, papers only cost One Doller. It's one cent per zig zag. If they don't have a dollar fourteen to satisfy their drug habbits, then screw 'em.

The cigarette smokers: These guys will ask you if you've got an extra smoke. But beware! They aren't acutally asking you for a smoke, because if you have one, that means they are entitled to have it. Really, smokers act as if they deserve something that belongs to you and that asking is just a formality. The worst is when you say no, and they offer you a quarter. They make it seem like a deal because technically one cigarette is worth less and quarter. But what the hell are you going to do with a quarter? Tell the nicker to save that quarter and call someone who cares. (It's an old one, but it works)

The travelers: these guys are the ones with signs saying that they are travelers. Usually they also have a dog. In my books, if you don't have enough money to travel, you sure as hell shouldn't be dragging a dog around. I think that's down right abusive.

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