June 18, 2005

Financial Advice

So lotsa people seem to be surprised that i can save up as much money as i do, bieng poor and a student at the same time. i can give you advice, but i'm no expert. what i really suggest is talking with financial advisor, cause thats what they do best. but i'll tell you whats worked for me and what hasn't.

There are two rules:

1) you must have a financial plan and some goals

2) the most imortant rule: you must stick to rule one.

things that finacial proffesionals suggest, but don't work for me:

1) write out every thing you spend and make, keeping a tight record. this doesn't work for me, becuase i'd just be like "ill do it later" and the recipts would just float around and i'd end up throwing them away anyways. also, i find the writing down just records what you do. maybe this will be helpful to some ppl if they want to see where they can improve, but i found it to be a waste of time. if i buy a candy bar @ quicky, it's not worth the paper i'm writing on to record it.

2)put your credit card in a jar filled with water and keep it in the freezer. this worked at first to keep impulse spending down. but then i found faster and faster ways to make it melt (but don't ever put it in the microwave, because it'll ruin the data) i used to put water in a sauce pan and heat the water. then i'd put the jar in the water and the ice melts around the glass and the credit card first, so that you dont' even have to wait for the ice to completely melt... and another thing too is that you can still shop online with your card in the freezer if you know the numbers by heart, which i do.

Stay tuned for more...

Today's lesson: No matter what you go to school for, what they are actually teaching you is how to take out loans.


  1. You are the best writer in the world. Your advice is impeccible.
    Would you live with me and give me this sort of advice all the time?
    Also could you leave notes for me, or let me read a jounal or somesuch?

    Yes that would be good.

    A part of each others daily lives.

    Righteous and waiting,


  2. haha. good point weenie. it is easier to save money when you have no bills. but it doesn't me it isn't impossible...


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