January 05, 2006

Assenseur 3

You know how when you want to take an elevator, you press the button for the direction you are going in? Well of course you do. Some times some people press the down button when I want to go up, or the other way around. What I've noticed is when the elevator is going up (for example) and they are going down, they wont get on the elevator. Or if it is going up and they get on and so do I, but I am going down, they must always say to me "erm, i think we're going up" to which i reply, "that's oki, it'll go down eventually". What i dont understand is why people won't get on when it is the opposite direction, for it will take the same amount of time to get there. Or perhaps longer, since it will have to open the doors again.... I guess one could argue that another elvator will open first, but I have oberved this behaviour when only one elevator is present.
The more I think about it, the more I think I missed out on some childhood ediquette. I could see following these silly rules in busy malls, but not when one or two ppl are getting on...dunno.

Today's Lesson: What goes up, must come down.

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