December 31, 2007

Holiday Cheer

Well I'm glad to say that 2007 is ending. This is one of those 'new start' years. This past year had many big events in it, and they were all bad. please post a pleasant memory you had with me because right now I only remember the big life changing events, and boy did they shake things up for me. Life's interesting.

Sometimes, I have a good or bad feeling about the new year. but this time, i get no signal or direction. God says: "you're on your own, kiddo" i must truely become an adult by the end of 2008 AND dabble in the Real World. Hmmm, it's interesting to think that my whole life doesn't count according to society. Because I'm not in this Real World. The office job, nine to fives, settling down, paying a mortgage etc. (note these are all constructions despite it being Real.)

Well, i guess we can see i have a negative additute about 2008. however, i'm hopeful because i think i will gain a new direction of what i want to be in the next life.

January is significant to me, in particular, because it's my birth month. i plan to celebrate and celebrate, just b4 i crack down and hit the books one last time.

New Year Resolutions:
1)Read more!
i will finaly not have uni books to read! i can read for pleasure again!

2)Get Job
i dont REALLY care about this one, but i think i it's a good idea for paying bills and such.

3)Eat according to my moral standards
so for 5 years i've been ruminating on my values and reading up on food, and i finally think i will take a leap and make effort to eat more locally and organically. i do a bit already, but only when it's convenient. now, some may realize this was also my mid year resolution for 2007, but this time i will do better.

4)Worm Compost
yeh, it kills me not to compost any more since it's half my waste, but i also didn't want pets, so i grudgingly accept the vermicompost idea and will begin one starting the new year.

1 comment:

  1. I remember going to the comedy club on your free tickets, and then going out afterwards. You told me about Flight of the Conchords that night, and now I'm almost done watching the first season.

    Also: You can compost on campus - just drop a plastic bag of compost in the small bin behind the portable. Someone periodically sorts through the bags dropped off and mixes them in to the vermi composter.


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