August 19, 2008

Reading for Leisure #4: Leto

LETO, Julie Elizabeth (2000): Good Girls Do! Harlequin, Toronto.

It took me so long to get through this book because of the terrible writing. However, Once i got to the sex scenes in chapter five i completed the book in three blinks of an eye. By the end of the book i was okay with it, mostly because i happened to fall upon one that included safe sex in the fantasy.

Let's start from the beginning: I suddendly decided one day that I was going to write a romance novel. "but," i thought to myself "i need to know what one is like". if you read my previous posts, you'd know i read a how-to book in april or may. i found this romance in my laundry room and picked it up because it was about a sexologist. wonderbar!

okay, so the quick and dirty plot (and i say quick, because there isn't much plot, and dirty because it's about sex) is that a sexologist who advocates for abstinence from sex. She is nominated for "Most Virtuous Woman on Campus" when her blabbing sister tells the school paper the contents of her high school diary. It reveals that Miranda the sexologist had a bad experience when she was young and hasn't dated since. She thus temperarily looses her credibility since the students say if you dont date it's much easier. they want her to prove she can remain virtuous in the face of temptation. of course the hot psyc prof Dr. Noah Yeager offers to temp her on a fancy date. They both like each other, but what with Miranda all virtuous and Yeager all respecting that, neither of them so much as kiss by the end of the date.

Her virtu remains intact, and the next day while gardening in her sister's slut outfit just for fun, Noah comes by for some action. She accepts and he pleasures her to orgasm with a watering hose. he leaves with blue balls out of total gentlemanly respect, which convinces Miranda that he loves her.

His hang up is that he breaks girls hearts and doesn't want to break hers and so wont admit he loves her till the end of the novel. but in the mean time they both want to screw any ways, and arrange a one-night-stand at a fancy resort. they have sex in the rain, and in the end she wins her virtue award and noah asks for her hand in marriage.

OKAY! so the reason i liked this novel was because the author make a one night stand virtuous for a woman. Miranda's feeling in the book is that she loves noah so much, that she must respect his decision and let him be the one to come to her if he can open his heart. She loves him tho, so wants to live in the moment and enjoy one glorious night of burning hot sex which must take place in the rain so as to not set the place on fire. on top of that Miranda and Noah include condoms in the sexual play despite the fact that it's fantasy and every thing else about the novel is contrived. The author also has the characters talk about fetishes!

I am really proud of the author for incorporating good sex habbits into characters that exist inside a highly restrictive universe. She manages to plant msg in her readers or reaffirm them while pleasing the publishers with a hot blond and a tall, dark, handsom man who are always rich and marry in the end.

This renews my interest in the possibility of writing a romance novel. Perhaps i'll put a few more on my reading list to get the story rhythm down.

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