April 05, 2009


So I had signed up to twitter a while ago, but didn't really get into it. The account just sort of sat around. Recently, I decided to try it out again. I'm not really sure was sprung me on it. But I think it had something to do with YouTube and the numerous videos that users are putting out on the subject.

Since I first joined twitter many new applications have been designed to make twitter a more interesting place to be a part of. Titter is basically a status update. Sort of like your msn status or your FB status. In fact, FB has recently redesigned their site to look more like twitter. The rule of twitter is that your update must be contained in 140 characters.

A hard thing for me is that I have rarely anything that is interesting enough to say in 140 characters. Most of the time I feel like I need a good elaboration, which is why my blogs are a great place for me to be.

However, I do like getting updates from other people. For example all the politicians have twitter, and for those that like to follow stars, just about all the famous ppl have twitter. I personally like to follow CBCNews (the also have CNN for example) and they update all the great head lines as they happen. If you want to know more then you can click on the link for the article.

Another interesting aspect is the inter-media opportunity where Stephen Colbert used twitter while interviewing the co-founder of Twitter. Of course the whole thing was very witty. This way you could watch the show and watch him twitter at the same time.

Not to mention, Twitter is becoming the new social microphone. Ppl can ask questions during events without being present. Some conferences like w2e were held entirely on twitter.

Then again Twitter can just be pure fun. On search.twitter.com you can look up Twilight or #twilight and read all the tweets from teenage gurlies out there who are watching the movie on dvd (again).

I'm a fan of twitter, I think it has some great potential.
Click the title of this blog to visit my profile.

Today's Lesson: Micro updates of your trivial life are changing the vary fabric of how we communicate with each other.

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