April 17, 2006

my men are strong

this good friday i held a party at my house. near the end, as my guests were trickling out the door, one of these fine people found that they had miss parked. he thought that this was visiter parking, but in fact it belonged to a home owner. the home owner, upon discovering his parking space taken, decided to park his SUV across it, to block it in.

what should we do? asks glo. i was at a loss. but the men were not.

the men that were left ended up lifting the SUV and moved it, to get the other car out. the four men, then placed it back in it's exact same spot.

imagine when the neighbour returns and sees the empty space? ha! i wish i coulda seen his face!

"what the fuck!"


  1. That would have been priceless to see!!

  2. I was one of the men. It was priceless to see us move the car. What Karen doesnt tell you is that us men had to trick our women-folk into going into the house so that we could move it with out any high-pitched or hysterical worry that the condo-people would get them in trouble.

  3. Hey, this is Kayvan (kayvanDOTfotopagesDOTcom), I would like to thank you for your comment on Dr. Mask and the update. nice weblogBTW, cheers


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