August 17, 2006

What you learned in school was wrong

There are more planets than you think...well for now, the potential is there.

Three years ago to the month i posted about planets.

August 28, 2003.

August seems to be a telling month to have a astronomy in mainstream media.

i'd write a facinating post about the new planets that may be, but it looks like there are a million ppl who'd write a better one for me. so why rewrite? here's my uncle's current fav blog:

today's lesson: science is about facts. fact: there are 9 planets in our solar system. on thursday this blog post may be out of date, and so will your cherished education. by the way, the accepted theory is no longer 'the world is flat'. so the lesson? science isn't about what we know, it's about what we don't know.

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