August 16, 2003

Biggest Power Out Ever

As you may have heard in the news, most of Ontario, and parts of United States were affected by a power outage. It was interesting to be in. I liked it because crisis, and state of emergancy always bring out the best in people. Well, it also brings out the worst in people, but some how that isn't as suprising and doesn't give u a sence of unity.

See, the power outage made me think about all the ppl in areas that NEVER have electricity. They manage to live day to day, and they work hard, regardless. But for our society, when the lights go off, every one party. We say every day, that we need a fridge to keep food fresh, when it's really convienience. I could go on with a list of examples, but i'm fairly lazy and i'm sure you get the point.
Any way, my point is, that many ppl also realised this when the power was absent. The thing that I find so funny is that as soon as power was available, ppl were already turning on all the lights, and putting on the air conditioning, even though they were told not to. Not that we can hate ppl for it, but it's still fucking stupid.

The weirdest thing for me, about this whole event, was that things didn't really seem any different. Even though I totally took electricity for granted, and it was weird to have to walk around with candles, life didn't stop, there was no fear (not that there should have been. just that when 'state of emergancy' is declaired, you feel striped of emotion. as if you should be paniking...but y should u? since there is nothing you can do, 'cept sit back and sip back) I guess what I'm trying to say is that I thought that this would change my view point, my whole out look on life, but the only thin it did was re-arrange my justifications for sitting in the dark. Before is was 'I feel like it' or 'I was too lazy to turn the light on'. Now, it's 'there are ppl in other countries with out light' or 'we must conserve energy for the good of the planet'.

I went from selfish to selfless....okay not really....I think the paragraphe above is just more shit that I 'm spewing out. I say things but don't mean them.

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