August 06, 2003

Thoughts About Things in General

If love defies logic, if it's irrational, then how is it that I love science?

I care about the environment. However, I don't think I want to be a conservationalist. You see, conservation is maintaining the current environment, but if a fire is to wipe out a rare type of forest on an island, then isn't that natural selection? Would we not be interfearing with the natural balance of things if we are to place importance on sertain ecosystems, according to their importance to our economy, or our personal enjoyment. How is managing systems (which we cannot really control) supposed to help any thing in this universe? Some how, it seems like the wrong approach to things. Instead of worrying about how global warming is going to affect biospheres, fuzzy animals, and medicinal plants, maybe we should find a way to reduce our personal impact on the planet first.

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