August 30, 2005

Action Plan

I've turned on the word verification so bots can't just put posts on. what junk. hope that doesn't hinder your commenting on my blog, since only three or four of you do... ;)

It's a time of war: Those who are nerds and create anoying programs vs. Every one else, who has the sence to just be a friendly internet goer.

List of things I hate:

Comment Spam (*new hate)
People who make spam, viruses, and adware/spyware

And just to even out the hate on this post, here is a list of things I like:

Ice Cream
A Corney Joke
A good book
Art (Spam is not an art, it's a retarded business for offence to retards)
Getting stuff in the mail, unless it's something I hate, like junkmail or bills.

~note: bills are not on my hate list because i like the service they provide. i'd just rather someone else pay them for me. If you'd like to contribute to my happiness, please send an email transfer to the email at the bottom of this blog. You can contribute as little as $10 a month and can stop anytime if your situation changes.


  1. I love a good corny joke too. Here are two of my favorites:

    Where do cows go on friday nights?
    The mooooooovies

    What do dogs like on their pizza?

  2. I do alot of eBaying, so I get lots of good stuff in the mail. :-)


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