August 30, 2005

Why People Suck

Can you believe they are now spamming blog comments? visit Then check out the august post "Gottem" in the archives and look that the comment in that post if you care to see. it's random, not a related topic, and that's just a plain nuisance. Has anyone else gotten these things? i have to remember how to delete comments, b/c that's exactly the kind i would delete.

Today's Lesson: Just when you thought people were anoying enough, they just get worse.


  1. I'm seeing comment spam everywhere... I take comfort that it must create terrible karma for the spammers.

  2. I had that happen to me...karen if you remember how to delete messages...please let me know!!

  3. glad to know i'm not alone.

    and i will let you know once i figure out the deleting part, maria.


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