September 11, 2006

Waking Life

Have you seen the movie waking life?

In the movie they talk about how to tell when you are in a dream. One method is to adjust light level. In a dream, you cant change light level, so the movie says.
In the movie the boy keeps looking at time and the digital lights on the clock shift, so that it is impossible to tell what time it is.

Last night, my clock must have broke a little because when i look at the time i couldn't tell what time it was. the first digit after the colon was messed up, so that 11:06 looks like 11:86 and other numbers where messed too. for example, if it was 11:19 the 1 after the colon would have a middle line, like a three. so, is seemed like some lights had burned out. was it 11:49 or 11:39? both were wrong.

any ways, i turned off a light and lite a candle. so i'm glad to inform you that my clock is meerly cheep.

task: tonight make an effort to light a candle in your dream. can you light it? does the light level change? try to remember in the morning. a tip to remembering dreams. when you wake up don't move until you've thought about what happened in your dream, moving stops you from remembering.

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